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added Java MYO OSC connector

Victor Giers 4 years ago
53 changed files with 5495 additions and 1 deletions
  1. BIN
  2. 9
  3. BIN
  4. BIN
  5. BIN
  6. 197
  7. 91
  8. 83
  9. 70
  10. 158
  11. 103
  12. 70
  13. 265
  14. 72
  15. 97
  16. 425
  17. 32
  18. 13
  19. 26
  20. 197
  21. 91
  22. 83
  23. 70
  24. 158
  25. 103
  26. 70
  27. 265
  28. 72
  29. 97
  30. 425
  31. 32
  32. 13
  33. 26
  34. 167
  35. BIN
  36. 197
  37. 91
  38. 83
  39. 70
  40. 158
  41. 103
  42. 70
  43. 265
  44. 72
  45. 97
  46. 425
  47. 32
  48. 13
  49. 26
  50. 167
  51. BIN
  52. BIN
  53. 46

MYO4Live.amxd View File

+ 9
- 1
MYO4Live.maxproj View File

@@ -2,13 +2,21 @@
"name" : "MYO4Live",
"version" : 1,
"creationdate" : 3654856293,
"modificationdate" : 3654856293,
"modificationdate" : 3654856392,
"viewrect" : [ 25.0, 70.0, 300.0, 500.0 ],
"autoorganize" : 1,
"hideprojectwindow" : 0,
"showdependencies" : 1,
"autolocalize" : 0,
"contents" : {
"patchers" : {
"main.maxpat" : {
"kind" : "patcher",
"local" : 1,
"toplevel" : 1



other/.DS_Store View File

other/myo-osc View File

other/myo.framework/.DS_Store View File

+ 197
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/DeviceListener.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>

#include "Pose.hpp"

namespace myo {

class Myo;
template<typename T>
class Quaternion;
template<typename T>
class Vector3;

/// Enumeration identifying a right arm or left arm.
enum Arm {
armLeft = libmyo_arm_left,
armRight = libmyo_arm_right,
armUnknown = libmyo_arm_unknown

/// Possible directions for Myo's +x axis relative to a user's arm.
enum XDirection {
xDirectionTowardWrist = libmyo_x_direction_toward_wrist,
xDirectionTowardElbow = libmyo_x_direction_toward_elbow,
xDirectionUnknown = libmyo_x_direction_unknown

/// Possible warmup states for a Myo.
enum WarmupState {
warmupStateUnknown = libmyo_warmup_state_unknown,
warmupStateCold = libmyo_warmup_state_cold,
warmupStateWarm = libmyo_warmup_state_warm,

/// Possible warmup results for a Myo.
enum WarmupResult {
warmupResultUnknown = libmyo_warmup_result_unknown,
warmupResultSuccess = libmyo_warmup_result_success,
warmupResultFailedTimeout = libmyo_warmup_result_failed_timeout,

/// Firmware version of Myo.
struct FirmwareVersion {
unsigned int firmwareVersionMajor; ///< Myo's major version must match the required major version.
unsigned int firmwareVersionMinor; ///< Myo's minor version must match the required minor version.
unsigned int firmwareVersionPatch; ///< Myo's patch version must greater or equal to the required patch version.
unsigned int firmwareVersionHardwareRev; ///< Myo's hardware revision; not used to detect firmware version mismatch.

/// A DeviceListener receives events about a Myo.
/// @see Hub::addListener()
class DeviceListener {
virtual ~DeviceListener() {}

/// Called when a Myo has been paired.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param firmwareVersion The firmware version of \a myo.
virtual void onPair(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, FirmwareVersion firmwareVersion) {}

/// Called when a Myo has been unpaired.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onUnpair(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has been connected.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param firmwareVersion The firmware version of \a myo.
virtual void onConnect(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, FirmwareVersion firmwareVersion) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has been disconnected.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onDisconnect(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo recognizes that it is on an arm.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param arm The identified Arm of \a myo.
/// @param xDirection The identified XDirection of \a myo.
/// @param rotation The estimated rotation of Myo on the user's arm after a sync.
/// @param warmupState The warmup state of \a myo. If \a warmupState is equal to WarmupState::warmupStateCold,
/// onWarmupCompleted() will be called when the warmup period has completed.
virtual void onArmSync(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, Arm arm, XDirection xDirection, float rotation,
WarmupState warmupState) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo is moved or removed from the arm.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onArmUnsync(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo becomes unlocked.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onUnlock(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo becomes locked.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onLock(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided a new pose.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param pose The identified Pose of \a myo.
virtual void onPose(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, Pose pose) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new orientation data.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param rotation The orientation data of \a myo, as a Quaternion.
virtual void onOrientationData(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const Quaternion<float>& rotation) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new accelerometer data in units of g.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param accel The accelerometer data of \a myo, in units of g.
virtual void onAccelerometerData(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const Vector3<float>& accel) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new gyroscope data in units of deg/s.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param gyro The gyroscope data of \a myo, in units of deg/s.
virtual void onGyroscopeData(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const Vector3<float>& gyro) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided a new RSSI value.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param rssi The RSSI (received signal strength indication) of \a myo.
/// @see Myo::requestRssi() to request an RSSI value from the Myo.
virtual void onRssi(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, int8_t rssi) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo receives an battery level update.
/// Updates occur when the battery level changes and when the battery level is explicitly requested.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param level battery level reported by the myo the value is a number from 0 to 100 representing the percentage
/// of battery life remaining.
virtual void onBatteryLevelReceived(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, uint8_t level) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new EMG data.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param emg An array of 8 elements, each corresponding to one sensor.
virtual void onEmgData(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const int8_t* emg) {}

/// Called when the warmup period for a Myo has completed.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param warmupResult The warmup result of \a myo.
virtual void onWarmupCompleted(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, WarmupResult warmupResult) {}


virtual void onOpaqueEvent(libmyo_event_t event) {}

/// @endcond

} // namespace myo

+ 91
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/Hub.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <vector>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

namespace myo {

class Myo;
class DeviceListener;

/// @brief A Hub provides access to one or more Myo instances.
class Hub {
/// Construct a hub.
/// \a applicationIdentifier must follow a reverse domain name format (ex. com.domainname.appname). Application
/// identifiers can be formed from the set of alphanumeric ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The hyphen (-) and
/// underscore (_) characters are permitted if they are not adjacent to a period (.) character (i.e. not at the
/// start or end of each segment), but are not permitted in the top-level domain. Application identifiers must have
/// three or more segments. For example, if a company's domain is and the application is named
/// hello-world, one could use "com.example.hello-world" as a valid application identifier. \a applicationIdentifier
/// can be an empty string.
/// Throws an exception of type std::invalid_argument if \a applicationIdentifier is not in the proper reverse
/// domain name format or is longer than 255 characters.
/// Throws an exception of type std::runtime_error if the hub initialization failed for some reason, typically
/// because Myo Connect is not running and a connection can thus not be established.
Hub(const std::string& applicationIdentifier = "");

/// Deallocate any resources associated with a Hub.
/// This will cause all Myo instances retrieved from this Hub to become invalid.

/// Wait for a Myo to become paired, or time out after \a timeout_ms milliseconds if provided.
/// If \a timeout_ms is zero, this function blocks until a Myo is found.
/// This function must not be called concurrently with run() or runOnce().
Myo* waitForMyo(unsigned int milliseconds = 0);

/// Register a listener to be called when device events occur.
void addListener(DeviceListener* listener);

/// Remove a previously registered listener.
void removeListener(DeviceListener* listener);

/// Locking policies supported by Myo.
enum LockingPolicy {
lockingPolicyNone = libmyo_locking_policy_none,
lockingPolicyStandard = libmyo_locking_policy_standard

/// Set the locking policy for Myos connected to the Hub.
void setLockingPolicy(LockingPolicy lockingPolicy);

/// Run the event loop for the specified duration (in milliseconds).
void run(unsigned int duration_ms);

/// Run the event loop until a single event occurs, or the specified duration (in milliseconds) has elapsed.
void runOnce(unsigned int duration_ms);


/// Return the internal libmyo object corresponding to this hub.
libmyo_hub_t libmyoObject();

void onDeviceEvent(libmyo_event_t event);

Myo* lookupMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo) const;

Myo* addMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo);

libmyo_hub_t _hub;
std::vector<Myo*> _myos;
std::vector<DeviceListener*> _listeners;

/// @endcond

// Not implemented
Hub(const Hub&);
Hub& operator=(const Hub&);

/// @example hello-myo.cpp
/// @example multiple-myos.cpp
/// @example emg-data-sample.cpp

} // namespace myo

#include "impl/Hub_impl.hpp"

+ 83
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/Myo.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

namespace myo {

/// Represents a Myo device with a specific MAC address.
/// This class can not be instantiated directly; instead, use Hub to get access to a Myo.
/// There is only one Myo instance corresponding to each device; thus, if the addresses of two Myo instances compare
/// equal, they refer to the same device.
class Myo {
/// Types of vibration supported by the Myo.
enum VibrationType {
vibrationShort = libmyo_vibration_short,
vibrationMedium = libmyo_vibration_medium,
vibrationLong = libmyo_vibration_long

/// Vibrate the Myo.
void vibrate(VibrationType type);

/// Request the RSSI of the Myo. An onRssi event will likely be generated with the value of the RSSI.
/// @see DeviceListener::onRssi()
void requestRssi() const;

/// Request the battery level of the Myo. An onBatteryLevelReceived event will be generated with the value.
/// @see DeviceListener::onBatteryLevelReceived().
void requestBatteryLevel() const;

/// Unlock types supported by Myo.
enum UnlockType {
unlockTimed = libmyo_unlock_timed,
unlockHold = libmyo_unlock_hold

/// Unlock the Myo.
/// Myo will remain unlocked for a short amount of time, after which it will automatically lock again.
/// If Myo was locked, an onUnlock event will be generated.
void unlock(UnlockType type);

/// Force the Myo to lock immediately.
/// If Myo was unlocked, an onLock event will be generated.
void lock();

/// Notify the Myo that a user action was recognized.
/// Will cause Myo to vibrate.
void notifyUserAction();

/// Valid EMG streaming modes for a Myo.
enum StreamEmgType {
streamEmgDisabled = libmyo_stream_emg_disabled,
streamEmgEnabled = libmyo_stream_emg_enabled

/// Sets the EMG streaming mode for a Myo.
void setStreamEmg(StreamEmgType type);


/// Return the internal libmyo object corresponding to this device.
libmyo_myo_t libmyoObject() const;

/// @endcond

Myo(libmyo_myo_t myo);

libmyo_myo_t _myo;

// Not implemented.
Myo(const Myo&);
Myo& operator=(const Myo&);

friend class Hub;

} // namespace myo

#include "impl/Myo_impl.hpp"

+ 70
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/Pose.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

namespace myo {

/// A pose represents a detected configuration of the user's hand.
class Pose {
/// Types of poses supported by the SDK.
enum Type {
rest = libmyo_pose_rest,
fist = libmyo_pose_fist,
waveIn = libmyo_pose_wave_in,
waveOut = libmyo_pose_wave_out,
fingersSpread = libmyo_pose_fingers_spread,
doubleTap = libmyo_pose_double_tap,
unknown = libmyo_pose_unknown

/// Construct a pose of type Pose::none.

/// Construct a pose with the given type.
Pose(Type type);

/// Returns true if and only if the two poses are of the same type.
bool operator==(Pose other) const;

/// Equivalent to `!(*this == other)`.
bool operator!=(Pose other) const;

/// Returns the type of this pose.
Type type() const;

/// Return a human-readable string representation of the pose.
std::string toString() const;

Type _type;

/// @relates Pose
/// Returns true if and only if the type of pose is the same as the provided type.
bool operator==(Pose pose, Pose::Type t);

/// @relates Pose
/// Equivalent to `pose == type`.
bool operator==(Pose::Type type, Pose pose);

/// @relates Pose
/// Equivalent to `!(pose == type)`.
bool operator!=(Pose pose, Pose::Type type);

/// @relates Pose
/// Equivalent to `!(type == pose)`.
bool operator!=(Pose::Type type, Pose pose);

/// @relates Pose
/// Write the name of the provided pose to the provided output stream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Pose& pose);

} // namespace myo

#include "impl/Pose_impl.hpp"

+ 158
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/Quaternion.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <cmath>

#include "Vector3.hpp"

namespace myo {

/// A quaternion that can be used to represent a rotation.
/// This type provides only very basic functionality to store quaternions that's sufficient to retrieve the data to
/// be placed in a full featured quaternion type.
template<typename T>
class Quaternion {
/// Construct a quaternion that represents zero rotation (i.e. the multiplicative identity).
: _x(0)
, _y(0)
, _z(0)
, _w(1)

/// Construct a quaternion with the provided components.
Quaternion(T x, T y, T z, T w)
: _x(x)
, _y(y)
, _z(z)
, _w(w)

/// Set the components of this quaternion to be those of the other.
Quaternion& operator=(const Quaternion other)
_x = other._x;
_y = other._y;
_z = other._z;
_w = other._w;

return *this;

/// Return the x-component of this quaternion's vector.
T x() const { return _x; }

/// Return the y-component of this quaternion's vector.
T y() const { return _y; }

/// Return the z-component of this quaternion's vector.
T z() const { return _z; }

/// Return the w-component (scalar) of this quaternion.
T w() const { return _w; }

/// Return the quaternion multiplied by \a rhs.
/// Note that quaternion multiplication is not commutative.
Quaternion operator*(const Quaternion& rhs) const
return Quaternion(
_w * rhs._x + _x * rhs._w + _y * rhs._z - _z * rhs._y,
_w * rhs._y - _x * rhs._z + _y * rhs._w + _z * rhs._x,
_w * rhs._z + _x * rhs._y - _y * rhs._x + _z * rhs._w,
_w * rhs._w - _x * rhs._x - _y * rhs._y - _z * rhs._z

/// Multiply this quaternion by \a rhs.
/// Return this quaternion updated with the result.
Quaternion& operator*=(const Quaternion& rhs)
*this = *this * rhs;
return *this;

/// Return the unit quaternion corresponding to the same rotation as this one.
Quaternion normalized() const
T magnitude = std::sqrt(_x * _x + _y * _y + _z * _z + _w * _w);

return Quaternion(_x / magnitude, _y / magnitude, _z / magnitude, _w / magnitude);

/// Return this quaternion's conjugate.
Quaternion conjugate() const
return Quaternion(-_x, -_y, -_z, _w);

/// Return a quaternion that represents a right-handed rotation of \a angle radians about the given \a axis.
/// \a axis The unit vector representing the axis of rotation.
/// \a angle The angle of rotation, in radians.
static Quaternion fromAxisAngle(const myo::Vector3<T>& axis, T angle)
return Quaternion(axis.x() * std::sin(angle / 2),
axis.y() * std::sin(angle / 2),
axis.z() * std::sin(angle / 2),
std::cos(angle / 2));

T _x, _y, _z, _w;

/// Return a copy of this \a vec rotated by \a quat.
/// \relates myo::Quaternion
template<typename T>
Vector3<T> rotate(const Quaternion<T>& quat, const Vector3<T>& vec)
myo::Quaternion<T> qvec(vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z(), 0);
myo::Quaternion<T> result = quat * qvec * quat.conjugate();
return Vector3<T>(result.x(), result.y(), result.z());

/// Return a quaternion that represents a rotation from vector \a from to \a to.
/// \relates myo::Quaternion
/// See
/// for some explanation.
template<typename T>
Quaternion<T> rotate(const Vector3<T>& from, const Vector3<T>& to)
Vector3<T> cross = from.cross(to);

// The product of the square of magnitudes and the cosine of the angle between from and to.
T cosTheta =;

// Return identity if the vectors are the same direction.
if (cosTheta >= 1) {
return Quaternion<T>();

// The product of the square of the magnitudes
T k = std::sqrt( *;

// Return identity in the degenerate case.
if (k <= 0) {
return Quaternion<T>();

// Special handling for vectors facing opposite directions.
if (cosTheta / k <= -1) {
Vector3<T> xAxis(1, 0, 0);
Vector3<T> yAxis(0, 1, 0);

cross = from.cross(std::abs( < 1 ? xAxis : yAxis);
k = cosTheta = 0;

return Quaternion<T>(
k + cosTheta);

} // namespace myo

+ 103
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/Vector3.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <cmath>

namespace myo {

/// A vector of three components.
/// This type provides very basic functionality to store a three dimensional vector that's sufficient to retrieve
/// the data to be placed in a full featured vector type. A few common vector operations, such as dot product and
/// cross product, are also provided.
template<typename T>
class Vector3 {
/// Construct a vector of all zeroes.
_data[0] = 0;
_data[1] = 0;
_data[2] = 0;

/// Construct a vector with the three provided components.
Vector3(T x, T y, T z)
_data[0] = x;
_data[1] = y;
_data[2] = z;

/// Construct a vector with the same components as \a other.
Vector3(const Vector3& other)
*this = other;

/// Set the components of this vector to be the same as \a other.
Vector3& operator=(const Vector3& other)
_data[0] = other._data[0];
_data[1] = other._data[1];
_data[2] = other._data[2];

return *this;

/// Return a copy of the component of this vector at \a index, which should be 0, 1, or 2.
T operator[](unsigned int index) const
return _data[index];

/// Return the x-component of this vector.
T x() const { return _data[0]; }

/// Return the y-component of this vector.
T y() const { return _data[1]; }

/// Return the z-component of this vector.
T z() const { return _data[2]; }

/// Return the magnitude of this vector.
T magnitude() const
return std::sqrt(x() * x() + y() * y() + z() * z());

/// Return a normalized copy of this vector.
Vector3 normalized() const
T norm = magnitude();
return Vector3(x() / norm, y() / norm, z() / norm);

/// Return the dot product of this vector and \a rhs.
T dot(const Vector3& rhs) const
return x() * rhs.x() + y() * rhs.y() + z() * rhs.z();

/// Return the cross product of this vector and \a rhs.
Vector3 cross(const Vector3& rhs) const
return Vector3(
y() * rhs.z() - z() * rhs.y(),
z() * rhs.x() - x() * rhs.z(),
x() * rhs.y() - y() * rhs.x()

/// Return the angle between this vector and \a rhs, in radians.
T angleTo(const Vector3& rhs) const
return std::acos(dot(rhs) / (magnitude() * rhs.magnitude()));

T _data[3];

} // namespace myo

+ 70
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/detail/ThrowOnError.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#include <stdexcept>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1800
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# define LIBMYO_NOEXCEPT(b) noexcept(b)

namespace myo {

class ThrowOnError {
: _error()

~ThrowOnError() LIBMYO_NOEXCEPT(false)
if (_error)
switch (libmyo_error_kind(_error)) {
case libmyo_error:
case libmyo_error_runtime:
std::runtime_error exception(libmyo_error_cstring(_error));
throw exception;
case libmyo_error_invalid_argument:
std::invalid_argument exception(libmyo_error_cstring(_error));
throw exception;
case libmyo_success:

operator libmyo_error_details_t*()
return &_error;

libmyo_error_details_t _error;

// Not implemented
ThrowOnError(const ThrowOnError&); // = delete;
ThrowOnError& operator=(const ThrowOnError&); // = delete;

} //namespace libmyo


+ 265
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "../Hub.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <exception>

#include "../DeviceListener.hpp"
#include "../Myo.hpp"
#include "../Pose.hpp"
#include "../Quaternion.hpp"
#include "../Vector3.hpp"
#include "../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp"

namespace myo {

Hub::Hub(const std::string& applicationIdentifier)
: _hub(0)
, _myos()
, _listeners()
libmyo_init_hub(&_hub, applicationIdentifier.c_str(), ThrowOnError());

for (std::vector<Myo*>::iterator I = _myos.begin(), IE = _myos.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
delete *I;
libmyo_shutdown_hub(_hub, 0);

Myo* Hub::waitForMyo(unsigned int timeout_ms)
std::size_t prevSize = _myos.size();

struct local {
static libmyo_handler_result_t handler(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event) {
Hub* hub = static_cast<Hub*>(user_data);

libmyo_myo_t opaque_myo = libmyo_event_get_myo(event);

switch (libmyo_event_get_type(event)) {
case libmyo_event_paired:
return libmyo_handler_stop;

return libmyo_handler_continue;

do {
libmyo_run(_hub, timeout_ms ? timeout_ms : 1000, &local::handler, this, ThrowOnError());
} while (!timeout_ms && _myos.size() <= prevSize);

if (_myos.size() <= prevSize) {
return 0;

return _myos.back();

void Hub::addListener(DeviceListener* listener)
if (std::find(_listeners.begin(), _listeners.end(), listener) != _listeners.end()) {
// Listener was already added.

void Hub::removeListener(DeviceListener* listener)
std::vector<DeviceListener*>::iterator I = std::find(_listeners.begin(), _listeners.end(), listener);
if (I == _listeners.end()) {
// Don't have this listener.


void Hub::setLockingPolicy(LockingPolicy lockingPolicy)
libmyo_set_locking_policy(_hub, static_cast<libmyo_locking_policy_t>(lockingPolicy), ThrowOnError());

void Hub::onDeviceEvent(libmyo_event_t event)
libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo = libmyo_event_get_myo(event);

Myo* myo = lookupMyo(opaqueMyo);

if (!myo && libmyo_event_get_type(event) == libmyo_event_paired) {
myo = addMyo(opaqueMyo);

if (!myo) {
// Ignore events for Myos we don't know about.

for (std::vector<DeviceListener*>::iterator I = _listeners.begin(), IE = _listeners.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
DeviceListener* listener = *I;


uint64_t time = libmyo_event_get_timestamp(event);

switch (libmyo_event_get_type(event)) {
case libmyo_event_paired: {
FirmwareVersion version = {libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_major),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_minor),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_patch),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_hardware_rev)};
listener->onPair(myo, time, version);
case libmyo_event_unpaired:
listener->onUnpair(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_connected: {
FirmwareVersion version = {libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_major),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_minor),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_patch),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_hardware_rev)};
listener->onConnect(myo, time, version);
case libmyo_event_disconnected:
listener->onDisconnect(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_arm_synced:
listener->onArmSync(myo, time,
case libmyo_event_arm_unsynced:
listener->onArmUnsync(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_unlocked:
listener->onUnlock(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_locked:
listener->onLock(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_orientation:
listener->onOrientationData(myo, time,
Quaternion<float>(libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_x),
libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_y),
libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_z),
libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_w)));
listener->onAccelerometerData(myo, time,
Vector3<float>(libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(event, 0),
libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(event, 1),
libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(event, 2)));

listener->onGyroscopeData(myo, time,
Vector3<float>(libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(event, 0),
libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(event, 1),
libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(event, 2)));

case libmyo_event_pose:
listener->onPose(myo, time, Pose(static_cast<Pose::Type>(libmyo_event_get_pose(event))));
case libmyo_event_rssi:
listener->onRssi(myo, time, libmyo_event_get_rssi(event));
case libmyo_event_battery_level:
listener->onBatteryLevelReceived(myo, time, libmyo_event_get_battery_level(event));
case libmyo_event_emg: {
int8_t emg[] = { libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 0),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 1),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 2),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 3),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 4),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 5),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 6),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 7) };
listener->onEmgData(myo, time, emg);
case libmyo_event_warmup_completed: {
listener->onWarmupCompleted(myo, time, static_cast<WarmupResult>(libmyo_event_get_warmup_result(event)));

void Hub::run(unsigned int duration_ms)
struct local {
static libmyo_handler_result_t handler(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event) {
Hub* hub = static_cast<Hub*>(user_data);


return libmyo_handler_continue;
libmyo_run(_hub, duration_ms, &local::handler, this, ThrowOnError());

void Hub::runOnce(unsigned int duration_ms)
struct local {
static libmyo_handler_result_t handler(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event) {
Hub* hub = static_cast<Hub*>(user_data);


return libmyo_handler_stop;
libmyo_run(_hub, duration_ms, &local::handler, this, ThrowOnError());

libmyo_hub_t Hub::libmyoObject()
return _hub;

Myo* Hub::lookupMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo) const
Myo* myo = 0;
for (std::vector<Myo*>::const_iterator I = _myos.begin(), IE = _myos.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
if ((*I)->libmyoObject() == opaqueMyo) {
myo = *I;

return myo;

Myo* Hub::addMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo)
Myo* myo = new Myo(opaqueMyo);


return myo;

} // namespace myo

+ 72
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/impl/Myo_impl.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "../Myo.hpp"
#include "../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp"

#include <stdexcept>

namespace myo {

void Myo::vibrate(VibrationType type)
libmyo_vibrate(_myo, static_cast<libmyo_vibration_type_t>(type), ThrowOnError());

void Myo::requestRssi() const
libmyo_request_rssi(_myo, ThrowOnError());

void Myo::requestBatteryLevel() const
libmyo_request_battery_level(_myo, myo::ThrowOnError());

void Myo::unlock(UnlockType type)
libmyo_myo_unlock(_myo, static_cast<libmyo_unlock_type_t>(type), ThrowOnError());

void Myo::lock()
libmyo_myo_lock(_myo, ThrowOnError());

void Myo::notifyUserAction()
libmyo_myo_notify_user_action(_myo, libmyo_user_action_single, ThrowOnError());

void Myo::setStreamEmg(StreamEmgType type)
libmyo_set_stream_emg(_myo, static_cast<libmyo_stream_emg_t>(type), ThrowOnError());

libmyo_myo_t Myo::libmyoObject() const
return _myo;

Myo::Myo(libmyo_myo_t myo)
: _myo(myo)
if (!_myo) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot construct Myo instance with null pointer");


} // namespace myo

+ 97
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/cxx/impl/Pose_impl.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#include "../Pose.hpp"

#include <iostream>

namespace myo {

: _type(unknown)

Pose::Pose(Pose::Type type)
: _type(type)

bool Pose::operator==(Pose other) const
return _type == other._type;

bool Pose::operator!=(Pose other) const
return !(*this == other);

Pose::Type Pose::type() const
return _type;

bool operator==(Pose pose, Pose::Type type)
return pose.type() == type;

bool operator==(Pose::Type type, Pose pose)
return pose == type;

bool operator!=(Pose pose, Pose::Type type)
return !(pose == type);

bool operator!=(Pose::Type type, Pose pose)
return !(type == pose);

std::string Pose::toString() const
switch (type()) {
case Pose::rest:
return "rest";
case Pose::fist:
return "fist";
case Pose::waveIn:
return "waveIn";
case Pose::waveOut:
return "waveOut";
case Pose::fingersSpread:
return "fingersSpread";
case Pose::doubleTap:
return "doubleTap";
case Pose::unknown:
return "unknown";

return "<invalid>";

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Pose& pose)
return out << pose.toString();

} // namespace myo


+ 425
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/libmyo.h View File

@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#ifndef MYO_LIBMYO_H
#define MYO_LIBMYO_H

#include <stdint.h>

#include "libmyo/detail/visibility.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/// @file libmyo.h
/// libmyo C API declarations.

typedef void* libmyo_hub_t;

/// \defgroup errors Error Handling
/// @{

/// Function result codes.
/// All libmyo functions that can fail return a value of this type.
typedef enum {
} libmyo_result_t;

/// Opaque handle to detailed error information.
typedef void* libmyo_error_details_t;

/// Return a null-terminated string with a detailed error message.
const char* libmyo_error_cstring(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// Returns the kind of error that occurred.
libmyo_result_t libmyo_error_kind(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// Free the resources allocated by an error object.
void libmyo_free_error_details(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// @}

/// \defgroup libmyo_string Strings
/// @{

// Opaque string.
typedef void* libmyo_string_t;

// Return a null-terminated string from the opaque string.
const char* libmyo_string_c_str(libmyo_string_t);

// Free the resources allocated by the string object.
void libmyo_string_free(libmyo_string_t);

/// @}

/// \defgroup libmyo_direct_mac_addresses MAC address utilities
/// @{

/// Retrieve the string representation of a MAC address in hex.
/// Returns a string in the format of 00-00-00-00-00-00.
libmyo_string_t libmyo_mac_address_to_string(uint64_t);

/// Retrieve the MAC address from a null-terminated string in the format of 00-00-00-00-00-00.
/// Returns 0 if the string does not match the format.
uint64_t libmyo_string_to_mac_address(const char*);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_hub Hub instance
/// @{

/// Initialize a connection to the hub.
/// \a application_identifier must follow a reverse domain name format (ex. com.domainname.appname). Application
/// identifiers can be formed from the set of alphanumeric ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The hyphen (-) and
/// underscore (_) characters are permitted if they are not adjacent to a period (.) character (i.e. not at the start or
/// end of each segment), but are not permitted in the top-level domain. Application identifiers must have three or more
/// segments. For example, if a company's domain is and the application is named hello-world, one could use
/// "com.example.hello-world" as a valid application identifier. \a application_identifier can be NULL or empty.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the connection is successfully established, otherwise:
/// - libmyo_error_runtime if a connection could not be established
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a out_hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a application_identifier is longer than 255 characters
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a application_identifier is not in the proper reverse domain name format
libmyo_result_t libmyo_init_hub(libmyo_hub_t* out_hub, const char* application_identifier,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Free the resources allocated to a hub.
/// @returns libmyo_success if shutdown is successful, otherwise:
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error if \a hub is not a valid hub
libmyo_result_t libmyo_shutdown_hub(libmyo_hub_t hub, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

// Locking policies.
typedef enum {
libmyo_locking_policy_none, ///< Pose events are always sent.
libmyo_locking_policy_standard ///< Pose events are not sent while a Myo is locked.
} libmyo_locking_policy_t;

/// Set the locking policy for Myos connected to the hub.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the locking policy is successfully set, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error if \a hub is not a valid hub
libmyo_result_t libmyo_set_locking_policy(libmyo_hub_t hub, libmyo_locking_policy_t locking_policy,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_myo Myo instances
/// @{

/// Opaque type corresponding to a known Myo device.
typedef void* libmyo_myo_t;

/// Types of vibration
typedef enum {
} libmyo_vibration_type_t;

/// Retrieve the MAC address of a Myo.
/// The MAC address is unique to the physical Myo, and is a 48-bit number.
uint64_t libmyo_get_mac_address(libmyo_myo_t myo);

/// Vibrate the given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully vibrated, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_vibrate(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_vibration_type_t type, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Request the RSSI for a given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_rssi event will likely be generated with the value of the RSSI.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully got the RSSI, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_request_rssi(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Request the battery level for a given Myo.
/// A libmyo_event_battery_level event will be generated with the value of the battery level.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully requested the battery level, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_request_battery_level(libmyo_myo_t myo_opq, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// EMG streaming modes.
typedef enum {
libmyo_stream_emg_disabled, ///< Do not send EMG data.
libmyo_stream_emg_enabled ///< Send EMG data.
} libmyo_stream_emg_t;

/// Set whether or not to stream EMG data for a given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the EMG mode was set successfully, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_set_stream_emg(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_stream_emg_t emg, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_poses Pose recognition.
/// @{

/// Supported poses.
typedef enum {
libmyo_pose_rest = 0, ///< Rest pose.
libmyo_pose_fist = 1, ///< User is making a fist.
libmyo_pose_wave_in = 2, ///< User has an open palm rotated towards the posterior of their wrist.
libmyo_pose_wave_out = 3, ///< User has an open palm rotated towards the anterior of their wrist.
libmyo_pose_fingers_spread = 4, ///< User has an open palm with their fingers spread away from each other.
libmyo_pose_double_tap = 5, ///< User tapped their thumb and middle finger together twice in succession.

libmyo_num_poses, ///< Number of poses supported; not a valid pose.

libmyo_pose_unknown = 0xffff ///< Unknown pose.
} libmyo_pose_t;

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_locking Myo locking mechanism

/// Valid unlock types.
typedef enum {
libmyo_unlock_timed = 0, ///< Unlock for a fixed period of time.
libmyo_unlock_hold = 1, ///< Unlock until explicitly told to re-lock.
} libmyo_unlock_type_t;

/// Unlock the given Myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_unlocked event will be generated if the Myo was locked.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo was successfully unlocked, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_myo_unlock(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_unlock_type_t type, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Lock the given Myo immediately.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_locked event will be generated if the Myo was unlocked.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo was successfully locked, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_myo_lock(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// User action types.
typedef enum {
libmyo_user_action_single = 0, ///< User did a single, discrete action, such as pausing a video.
} libmyo_user_action_type_t;

/// Notify the given Myo that a user action was recognized.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. Will cause Myo to vibrate.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo was successfully notified, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_myo_notify_user_action(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_user_action_type_t type,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_events Event Handling
/// @{

/// Types of events.
typedef enum {
libmyo_event_paired, ///< Successfully paired with a Myo.
libmyo_event_unpaired, ///< Successfully unpaired from a Myo.
libmyo_event_connected, ///< A Myo has successfully connected.
libmyo_event_disconnected, ///< A Myo has been disconnected.
libmyo_event_arm_synced, ///< A Myo has recognized that the sync gesture has been successfully performed.
libmyo_event_arm_unsynced, ///< A Myo has been moved or removed from the arm.
libmyo_event_orientation, ///< Orientation data has been received.
libmyo_event_pose, ///< A change in pose has been detected. @see libmyo_pose_t.
libmyo_event_rssi, ///< An RSSI value has been received.
libmyo_event_unlocked, ///< A Myo has become unlocked.
libmyo_event_locked, ///< A Myo has become locked.
libmyo_event_emg, ///< EMG data has been received.
libmyo_event_battery_level, ///< A battery level value has been received.
libmyo_event_warmup_completed, ///< The warmup period has completed.
} libmyo_event_type_t;

/// Information about an event.
typedef const void* libmyo_event_t;

/// Retrieve the type of an event.
uint32_t libmyo_event_get_type(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the timestamp of an event.
/// @see libmyo_now() for details on timestamps.
uint64_t libmyo_event_get_timestamp(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the Myo associated with an event.
libmyo_myo_t libmyo_event_get_myo(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the MAC address of the myo associated with an event.
uint64_t libmyo_event_get_mac_address(libmyo_event_t event_opq);

/// Retrieve the name of the myo associated with an event.
/// Caller must free the returned string. @see libmyo_string functions.
libmyo_string_t libmyo_event_get_myo_name(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Components of version.
typedef enum {
libmyo_version_major, ///< Major version.
libmyo_version_minor, ///< Minor version.
libmyo_version_patch, ///< Patch version.
libmyo_version_hardware_rev, ///< Hardware revision.
} libmyo_version_component_t;

/// Hardware revisions.
typedef enum {
libmyo_hardware_rev_c = 1, ///< Alpha units
libmyo_hardware_rev_d = 2, ///< Consumer units
} libmyo_hardware_rev_t;

/// Retrieve the Myo armband's firmware version from this event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_paired and libmyo_event_connected events.
unsigned int libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(libmyo_event_t event, libmyo_version_component_t);

/// Enumeration identifying a right arm or left arm. @see libmyo_event_get_arm().
typedef enum {
libmyo_arm_right, ///< Myo is on the right arm.
libmyo_arm_left, ///< Myo is on the left arm.
libmyo_arm_unknown, ///< Unknown arm.
} libmyo_arm_t;

/// Retrieve the arm associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
libmyo_arm_t libmyo_event_get_arm(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible directions for Myo's +x axis relative to a user's arm.
typedef enum {
libmyo_x_direction_toward_wrist, ///< Myo's +x axis is pointing toward the user's wrist.
libmyo_x_direction_toward_elbow, ///< Myo's +x axis is pointing toward the user's elbow.
libmyo_x_direction_unknown, ///< Unknown +x axis direction.
} libmyo_x_direction_t;

/// Retrieve the x-direction associated with an event.
/// The x-direction specifies which way Myo's +x axis is pointing relative to the user's arm.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
libmyo_x_direction_t libmyo_event_get_x_direction(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible warmup states for Myo.
typedef enum {
libmyo_warmup_state_unknown = 0, ///< Unknown warm up state.
libmyo_warmup_state_cold = 1, ///< Myo needs to warm up.
libmyo_warmup_state_warm = 2, ///< Myo is already in a warmed up state.
} libmyo_warmup_state_t;

/// Retrieve the warmup state of the Myo associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
libmyo_warmup_state_t libmyo_event_get_warmup_state(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible warmup results for Myo.
typedef enum {
libmyo_warmup_result_unknown = 0, ///< Unknown warm up result.
libmyo_warmup_result_success = 1, ///< The warm up period has completed successfully.
libmyo_warmup_result_failed_timeout = 2, ///< The warm up period timed out.
} libmyo_warmup_result_t;

/// Retrieve the warmup result of the Myo associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_warmup_completed events only.
libmyo_warmup_result_t libmyo_event_get_warmup_result(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the estimated rotation of Myo on the user's arm after a sync.
/// The values specifies the rotation of the myo on the arm (0 - logo facing down, pi - logo facing up)
/// Only supported by FW 1.3.x and above (older firmware will always report 0 for the rotation)
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
float libmyo_event_get_rotation_on_arm(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Index into orientation data, which is provided as a quaternion.
/// Orientation data is returned as a unit quaternion of floats, represented as `w + x * i + y * j + z * k`.
typedef enum {
libmyo_orientation_x = 0, ///< First component of the quaternion's vector part
libmyo_orientation_y = 1, ///< Second component of the quaternion's vector part
libmyo_orientation_z = 2, ///< Third component of the quaternion's vector part
libmyo_orientation_w = 3, ///< Scalar component of the quaternion.
} libmyo_orientation_index;

/// Retrieve orientation data associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// @see libmyo_orientation_index
float libmyo_event_get_orientation(libmyo_event_t event, libmyo_orientation_index index);

/// Retrieve raw accelerometer data associated with an event in units of g.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// Requires `index < 3`.
float libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int index);

/// Retrieve raw gyroscope data associated with an event in units of deg/s.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// Requires `index < 3`.
float libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int index);

/// Retrieve the pose associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_pose events only.
libmyo_pose_t libmyo_event_get_pose(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retreive the RSSI associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_rssi events only.
int8_t libmyo_event_get_rssi(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the battery level of the Myo armband associated with an event.
/// Only valid for libmyo_event_battery_level event.
uint8_t libmyo_event_get_battery_level(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve an EMG data point associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_emg events only.
/// @a sensor must be smaller than 8.
int8_t libmyo_event_get_emg(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int sensor);

/// Return type for event handlers.
typedef enum {
libmyo_handler_continue, ///< Continue processing events
libmyo_handler_stop, ///< Stop processing events
} libmyo_handler_result_t;

/// Callback function type to handle events as they occur from libmyo_run().
typedef libmyo_handler_result_t (*libmyo_handler_t)(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event);

/// Process events and call the provided callback as they occur.
/// Runs for up to approximately \a duration_ms milliseconds or until a called handler returns libmyo_handler_stop.
/// @returns libmyo_success after a successful run, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a handler is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_run(libmyo_hub_t hub, unsigned int duration_ms, libmyo_handler_t handler, void* user_data,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"

#endif // MYO_LIBMYO_H

+ 32
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/libmyo/detail/visibility.h View File

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#ifdef myo_EXPORTS
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllexport))
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllimport))
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))


+ 13
- 0
other/myo.framework/Headers/myo.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

/// The namespace in which all of the %Myo C++ bindings are contained.
namespace myo {}

#include "cxx/DeviceListener.hpp"
#include "cxx/Hub.hpp"
#include "cxx/Myo.hpp"
#include "cxx/Pose.hpp"
#include "cxx/Quaternion.hpp"
#include "cxx/Vector3.hpp"

+ 26
- 0
other/myo.framework/Resources/Info.plist View File

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

+ 197
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/DeviceListener.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>

#include "Pose.hpp"

namespace myo {

class Myo;
template<typename T>
class Quaternion;
template<typename T>
class Vector3;

/// Enumeration identifying a right arm or left arm.
enum Arm {
armLeft = libmyo_arm_left,
armRight = libmyo_arm_right,
armUnknown = libmyo_arm_unknown

/// Possible directions for Myo's +x axis relative to a user's arm.
enum XDirection {
xDirectionTowardWrist = libmyo_x_direction_toward_wrist,
xDirectionTowardElbow = libmyo_x_direction_toward_elbow,
xDirectionUnknown = libmyo_x_direction_unknown

/// Possible warmup states for a Myo.
enum WarmupState {
warmupStateUnknown = libmyo_warmup_state_unknown,
warmupStateCold = libmyo_warmup_state_cold,
warmupStateWarm = libmyo_warmup_state_warm,

/// Possible warmup results for a Myo.
enum WarmupResult {
warmupResultUnknown = libmyo_warmup_result_unknown,
warmupResultSuccess = libmyo_warmup_result_success,
warmupResultFailedTimeout = libmyo_warmup_result_failed_timeout,

/// Firmware version of Myo.
struct FirmwareVersion {
unsigned int firmwareVersionMajor; ///< Myo's major version must match the required major version.
unsigned int firmwareVersionMinor; ///< Myo's minor version must match the required minor version.
unsigned int firmwareVersionPatch; ///< Myo's patch version must greater or equal to the required patch version.
unsigned int firmwareVersionHardwareRev; ///< Myo's hardware revision; not used to detect firmware version mismatch.

/// A DeviceListener receives events about a Myo.
/// @see Hub::addListener()
class DeviceListener {
virtual ~DeviceListener() {}

/// Called when a Myo has been paired.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param firmwareVersion The firmware version of \a myo.
virtual void onPair(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, FirmwareVersion firmwareVersion) {}

/// Called when a Myo has been unpaired.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onUnpair(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has been connected.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param firmwareVersion The firmware version of \a myo.
virtual void onConnect(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, FirmwareVersion firmwareVersion) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has been disconnected.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onDisconnect(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo recognizes that it is on an arm.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param arm The identified Arm of \a myo.
/// @param xDirection The identified XDirection of \a myo.
/// @param rotation The estimated rotation of Myo on the user's arm after a sync.
/// @param warmupState The warmup state of \a myo. If \a warmupState is equal to WarmupState::warmupStateCold,
/// onWarmupCompleted() will be called when the warmup period has completed.
virtual void onArmSync(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, Arm arm, XDirection xDirection, float rotation,
WarmupState warmupState) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo is moved or removed from the arm.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onArmUnsync(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo becomes unlocked.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onUnlock(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo becomes locked.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onLock(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided a new pose.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param pose The identified Pose of \a myo.
virtual void onPose(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, Pose pose) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new orientation data.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param rotation The orientation data of \a myo, as a Quaternion.
virtual void onOrientationData(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const Quaternion<float>& rotation) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new accelerometer data in units of g.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param accel The accelerometer data of \a myo, in units of g.
virtual void onAccelerometerData(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const Vector3<float>& accel) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new gyroscope data in units of deg/s.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param gyro The gyroscope data of \a myo, in units of deg/s.
virtual void onGyroscopeData(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const Vector3<float>& gyro) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided a new RSSI value.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param rssi The RSSI (received signal strength indication) of \a myo.
/// @see Myo::requestRssi() to request an RSSI value from the Myo.
virtual void onRssi(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, int8_t rssi) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo receives an battery level update.
/// Updates occur when the battery level changes and when the battery level is explicitly requested.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param level battery level reported by the myo the value is a number from 0 to 100 representing the percentage
/// of battery life remaining.
virtual void onBatteryLevelReceived(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, uint8_t level) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new EMG data.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param emg An array of 8 elements, each corresponding to one sensor.
virtual void onEmgData(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const int8_t* emg) {}

/// Called when the warmup period for a Myo has completed.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param warmupResult The warmup result of \a myo.
virtual void onWarmupCompleted(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, WarmupResult warmupResult) {}


virtual void onOpaqueEvent(libmyo_event_t event) {}

/// @endcond

} // namespace myo

+ 91
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/Hub.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <vector>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

namespace myo {

class Myo;
class DeviceListener;

/// @brief A Hub provides access to one or more Myo instances.
class Hub {
/// Construct a hub.
/// \a applicationIdentifier must follow a reverse domain name format (ex. com.domainname.appname). Application
/// identifiers can be formed from the set of alphanumeric ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The hyphen (-) and
/// underscore (_) characters are permitted if they are not adjacent to a period (.) character (i.e. not at the
/// start or end of each segment), but are not permitted in the top-level domain. Application identifiers must have
/// three or more segments. For example, if a company's domain is and the application is named
/// hello-world, one could use "com.example.hello-world" as a valid application identifier. \a applicationIdentifier
/// can be an empty string.
/// Throws an exception of type std::invalid_argument if \a applicationIdentifier is not in the proper reverse
/// domain name format or is longer than 255 characters.
/// Throws an exception of type std::runtime_error if the hub initialization failed for some reason, typically
/// because Myo Connect is not running and a connection can thus not be established.
Hub(const std::string& applicationIdentifier = "");

/// Deallocate any resources associated with a Hub.
/// This will cause all Myo instances retrieved from this Hub to become invalid.

/// Wait for a Myo to become paired, or time out after \a timeout_ms milliseconds if provided.
/// If \a timeout_ms is zero, this function blocks until a Myo is found.
/// This function must not be called concurrently with run() or runOnce().
Myo* waitForMyo(unsigned int milliseconds = 0);

/// Register a listener to be called when device events occur.
void addListener(DeviceListener* listener);

/// Remove a previously registered listener.
void removeListener(DeviceListener* listener);

/// Locking policies supported by Myo.
enum LockingPolicy {
lockingPolicyNone = libmyo_locking_policy_none,
lockingPolicyStandard = libmyo_locking_policy_standard

/// Set the locking policy for Myos connected to the Hub.
void setLockingPolicy(LockingPolicy lockingPolicy);

/// Run the event loop for the specified duration (in milliseconds).
void run(unsigned int duration_ms);

/// Run the event loop until a single event occurs, or the specified duration (in milliseconds) has elapsed.
void runOnce(unsigned int duration_ms);


/// Return the internal libmyo object corresponding to this hub.
libmyo_hub_t libmyoObject();

void onDeviceEvent(libmyo_event_t event);

Myo* lookupMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo) const;

Myo* addMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo);

libmyo_hub_t _hub;
std::vector<Myo*> _myos;
std::vector<DeviceListener*> _listeners;

/// @endcond

// Not implemented
Hub(const Hub&);
Hub& operator=(const Hub&);

/// @example hello-myo.cpp
/// @example multiple-myos.cpp
/// @example emg-data-sample.cpp

} // namespace myo

#include "impl/Hub_impl.hpp"

+ 83
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/Myo.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

namespace myo {

/// Represents a Myo device with a specific MAC address.
/// This class can not be instantiated directly; instead, use Hub to get access to a Myo.
/// There is only one Myo instance corresponding to each device; thus, if the addresses of two Myo instances compare
/// equal, they refer to the same device.
class Myo {
/// Types of vibration supported by the Myo.
enum VibrationType {
vibrationShort = libmyo_vibration_short,
vibrationMedium = libmyo_vibration_medium,
vibrationLong = libmyo_vibration_long

/// Vibrate the Myo.
void vibrate(VibrationType type);

/// Request the RSSI of the Myo. An onRssi event will likely be generated with the value of the RSSI.
/// @see DeviceListener::onRssi()
void requestRssi() const;

/// Request the battery level of the Myo. An onBatteryLevelReceived event will be generated with the value.
/// @see DeviceListener::onBatteryLevelReceived().
void requestBatteryLevel() const;

/// Unlock types supported by Myo.
enum UnlockType {
unlockTimed = libmyo_unlock_timed,
unlockHold = libmyo_unlock_hold

/// Unlock the Myo.
/// Myo will remain unlocked for a short amount of time, after which it will automatically lock again.
/// If Myo was locked, an onUnlock event will be generated.
void unlock(UnlockType type);

/// Force the Myo to lock immediately.
/// If Myo was unlocked, an onLock event will be generated.
void lock();

/// Notify the Myo that a user action was recognized.
/// Will cause Myo to vibrate.
void notifyUserAction();

/// Valid EMG streaming modes for a Myo.
enum StreamEmgType {
streamEmgDisabled = libmyo_stream_emg_disabled,
streamEmgEnabled = libmyo_stream_emg_enabled

/// Sets the EMG streaming mode for a Myo.
void setStreamEmg(StreamEmgType type);


/// Return the internal libmyo object corresponding to this device.
libmyo_myo_t libmyoObject() const;

/// @endcond

Myo(libmyo_myo_t myo);

libmyo_myo_t _myo;

// Not implemented.
Myo(const Myo&);
Myo& operator=(const Myo&);

friend class Hub;

} // namespace myo

#include "impl/Myo_impl.hpp"

+ 70
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/Pose.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

namespace myo {

/// A pose represents a detected configuration of the user's hand.
class Pose {
/// Types of poses supported by the SDK.
enum Type {
rest = libmyo_pose_rest,
fist = libmyo_pose_fist,
waveIn = libmyo_pose_wave_in,
waveOut = libmyo_pose_wave_out,
fingersSpread = libmyo_pose_fingers_spread,
doubleTap = libmyo_pose_double_tap,
unknown = libmyo_pose_unknown

/// Construct a pose of type Pose::none.

/// Construct a pose with the given type.
Pose(Type type);

/// Returns true if and only if the two poses are of the same type.
bool operator==(Pose other) const;

/// Equivalent to `!(*this == other)`.
bool operator!=(Pose other) const;

/// Returns the type of this pose.
Type type() const;

/// Return a human-readable string representation of the pose.
std::string toString() const;

Type _type;

/// @relates Pose
/// Returns true if and only if the type of pose is the same as the provided type.
bool operator==(Pose pose, Pose::Type t);

/// @relates Pose
/// Equivalent to `pose == type`.
bool operator==(Pose::Type type, Pose pose);

/// @relates Pose
/// Equivalent to `!(pose == type)`.
bool operator!=(Pose pose, Pose::Type type);

/// @relates Pose
/// Equivalent to `!(type == pose)`.
bool operator!=(Pose::Type type, Pose pose);

/// @relates Pose
/// Write the name of the provided pose to the provided output stream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Pose& pose);

} // namespace myo

#include "impl/Pose_impl.hpp"

+ 158
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/Quaternion.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <cmath>

#include "Vector3.hpp"

namespace myo {

/// A quaternion that can be used to represent a rotation.
/// This type provides only very basic functionality to store quaternions that's sufficient to retrieve the data to
/// be placed in a full featured quaternion type.
template<typename T>
class Quaternion {
/// Construct a quaternion that represents zero rotation (i.e. the multiplicative identity).
: _x(0)
, _y(0)
, _z(0)
, _w(1)

/// Construct a quaternion with the provided components.
Quaternion(T x, T y, T z, T w)
: _x(x)
, _y(y)
, _z(z)
, _w(w)

/// Set the components of this quaternion to be those of the other.
Quaternion& operator=(const Quaternion other)
_x = other._x;
_y = other._y;
_z = other._z;
_w = other._w;

return *this;

/// Return the x-component of this quaternion's vector.
T x() const { return _x; }

/// Return the y-component of this quaternion's vector.
T y() const { return _y; }

/// Return the z-component of this quaternion's vector.
T z() const { return _z; }

/// Return the w-component (scalar) of this quaternion.
T w() const { return _w; }

/// Return the quaternion multiplied by \a rhs.
/// Note that quaternion multiplication is not commutative.
Quaternion operator*(const Quaternion& rhs) const
return Quaternion(
_w * rhs._x + _x * rhs._w + _y * rhs._z - _z * rhs._y,
_w * rhs._y - _x * rhs._z + _y * rhs._w + _z * rhs._x,
_w * rhs._z + _x * rhs._y - _y * rhs._x + _z * rhs._w,
_w * rhs._w - _x * rhs._x - _y * rhs._y - _z * rhs._z

/// Multiply this quaternion by \a rhs.
/// Return this quaternion updated with the result.
Quaternion& operator*=(const Quaternion& rhs)
*this = *this * rhs;
return *this;

/// Return the unit quaternion corresponding to the same rotation as this one.
Quaternion normalized() const
T magnitude = std::sqrt(_x * _x + _y * _y + _z * _z + _w * _w);

return Quaternion(_x / magnitude, _y / magnitude, _z / magnitude, _w / magnitude);

/// Return this quaternion's conjugate.
Quaternion conjugate() const
return Quaternion(-_x, -_y, -_z, _w);

/// Return a quaternion that represents a right-handed rotation of \a angle radians about the given \a axis.
/// \a axis The unit vector representing the axis of rotation.
/// \a angle The angle of rotation, in radians.
static Quaternion fromAxisAngle(const myo::Vector3<T>& axis, T angle)
return Quaternion(axis.x() * std::sin(angle / 2),
axis.y() * std::sin(angle / 2),
axis.z() * std::sin(angle / 2),
std::cos(angle / 2));

T _x, _y, _z, _w;

/// Return a copy of this \a vec rotated by \a quat.
/// \relates myo::Quaternion
template<typename T>
Vector3<T> rotate(const Quaternion<T>& quat, const Vector3<T>& vec)
myo::Quaternion<T> qvec(vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z(), 0);
myo::Quaternion<T> result = quat * qvec * quat.conjugate();
return Vector3<T>(result.x(), result.y(), result.z());

/// Return a quaternion that represents a rotation from vector \a from to \a to.
/// \relates myo::Quaternion
/// See
/// for some explanation.
template<typename T>
Quaternion<T> rotate(const Vector3<T>& from, const Vector3<T>& to)
Vector3<T> cross = from.cross(to);

// The product of the square of magnitudes and the cosine of the angle between from and to.
T cosTheta =;

// Return identity if the vectors are the same direction.
if (cosTheta >= 1) {
return Quaternion<T>();

// The product of the square of the magnitudes
T k = std::sqrt( *;

// Return identity in the degenerate case.
if (k <= 0) {
return Quaternion<T>();

// Special handling for vectors facing opposite directions.
if (cosTheta / k <= -1) {
Vector3<T> xAxis(1, 0, 0);
Vector3<T> yAxis(0, 1, 0);

cross = from.cross(std::abs( < 1 ? xAxis : yAxis);
k = cosTheta = 0;

return Quaternion<T>(
k + cosTheta);

} // namespace myo

+ 103
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/Vector3.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <cmath>

namespace myo {

/// A vector of three components.
/// This type provides very basic functionality to store a three dimensional vector that's sufficient to retrieve
/// the data to be placed in a full featured vector type. A few common vector operations, such as dot product and
/// cross product, are also provided.
template<typename T>
class Vector3 {
/// Construct a vector of all zeroes.
_data[0] = 0;
_data[1] = 0;
_data[2] = 0;

/// Construct a vector with the three provided components.
Vector3(T x, T y, T z)
_data[0] = x;
_data[1] = y;
_data[2] = z;

/// Construct a vector with the same components as \a other.
Vector3(const Vector3& other)
*this = other;

/// Set the components of this vector to be the same as \a other.
Vector3& operator=(const Vector3& other)
_data[0] = other._data[0];
_data[1] = other._data[1];
_data[2] = other._data[2];

return *this;

/// Return a copy of the component of this vector at \a index, which should be 0, 1, or 2.
T operator[](unsigned int index) const
return _data[index];

/// Return the x-component of this vector.
T x() const { return _data[0]; }

/// Return the y-component of this vector.
T y() const { return _data[1]; }

/// Return the z-component of this vector.
T z() const { return _data[2]; }

/// Return the magnitude of this vector.
T magnitude() const
return std::sqrt(x() * x() + y() * y() + z() * z());

/// Return a normalized copy of this vector.
Vector3 normalized() const
T norm = magnitude();
return Vector3(x() / norm, y() / norm, z() / norm);

/// Return the dot product of this vector and \a rhs.
T dot(const Vector3& rhs) const
return x() * rhs.x() + y() * rhs.y() + z() * rhs.z();

/// Return the cross product of this vector and \a rhs.
Vector3 cross(const Vector3& rhs) const
return Vector3(
y() * rhs.z() - z() * rhs.y(),
z() * rhs.x() - x() * rhs.z(),
x() * rhs.y() - y() * rhs.x()

/// Return the angle between this vector and \a rhs, in radians.
T angleTo(const Vector3& rhs) const
return std::acos(dot(rhs) / (magnitude() * rhs.magnitude()));

T _data[3];

} // namespace myo

+ 70
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/detail/ThrowOnError.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#include <stdexcept>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1800
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# define LIBMYO_NOEXCEPT(b) noexcept(b)

namespace myo {

class ThrowOnError {
: _error()

~ThrowOnError() LIBMYO_NOEXCEPT(false)
if (_error)
switch (libmyo_error_kind(_error)) {
case libmyo_error:
case libmyo_error_runtime:
std::runtime_error exception(libmyo_error_cstring(_error));
throw exception;
case libmyo_error_invalid_argument:
std::invalid_argument exception(libmyo_error_cstring(_error));
throw exception;
case libmyo_success:

operator libmyo_error_details_t*()
return &_error;

libmyo_error_details_t _error;

// Not implemented
ThrowOnError(const ThrowOnError&); // = delete;
ThrowOnError& operator=(const ThrowOnError&); // = delete;

} //namespace libmyo


+ 265
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "../Hub.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <exception>

#include "../DeviceListener.hpp"
#include "../Myo.hpp"
#include "../Pose.hpp"
#include "../Quaternion.hpp"
#include "../Vector3.hpp"
#include "../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp"

namespace myo {

Hub::Hub(const std::string& applicationIdentifier)
: _hub(0)
, _myos()
, _listeners()
libmyo_init_hub(&_hub, applicationIdentifier.c_str(), ThrowOnError());

for (std::vector<Myo*>::iterator I = _myos.begin(), IE = _myos.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
delete *I;
libmyo_shutdown_hub(_hub, 0);

Myo* Hub::waitForMyo(unsigned int timeout_ms)
std::size_t prevSize = _myos.size();

struct local {
static libmyo_handler_result_t handler(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event) {
Hub* hub = static_cast<Hub*>(user_data);

libmyo_myo_t opaque_myo = libmyo_event_get_myo(event);

switch (libmyo_event_get_type(event)) {
case libmyo_event_paired:
return libmyo_handler_stop;

return libmyo_handler_continue;

do {
libmyo_run(_hub, timeout_ms ? timeout_ms : 1000, &local::handler, this, ThrowOnError());
} while (!timeout_ms && _myos.size() <= prevSize);

if (_myos.size() <= prevSize) {
return 0;

return _myos.back();

void Hub::addListener(DeviceListener* listener)
if (std::find(_listeners.begin(), _listeners.end(), listener) != _listeners.end()) {
// Listener was already added.

void Hub::removeListener(DeviceListener* listener)
std::vector<DeviceListener*>::iterator I = std::find(_listeners.begin(), _listeners.end(), listener);
if (I == _listeners.end()) {
// Don't have this listener.


void Hub::setLockingPolicy(LockingPolicy lockingPolicy)
libmyo_set_locking_policy(_hub, static_cast<libmyo_locking_policy_t>(lockingPolicy), ThrowOnError());

void Hub::onDeviceEvent(libmyo_event_t event)
libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo = libmyo_event_get_myo(event);

Myo* myo = lookupMyo(opaqueMyo);

if (!myo && libmyo_event_get_type(event) == libmyo_event_paired) {
myo = addMyo(opaqueMyo);

if (!myo) {
// Ignore events for Myos we don't know about.

for (std::vector<DeviceListener*>::iterator I = _listeners.begin(), IE = _listeners.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
DeviceListener* listener = *I;


uint64_t time = libmyo_event_get_timestamp(event);

switch (libmyo_event_get_type(event)) {
case libmyo_event_paired: {
FirmwareVersion version = {libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_major),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_minor),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_patch),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_hardware_rev)};
listener->onPair(myo, time, version);
case libmyo_event_unpaired:
listener->onUnpair(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_connected: {
FirmwareVersion version = {libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_major),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_minor),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_patch),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_hardware_rev)};
listener->onConnect(myo, time, version);
case libmyo_event_disconnected:
listener->onDisconnect(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_arm_synced:
listener->onArmSync(myo, time,
case libmyo_event_arm_unsynced:
listener->onArmUnsync(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_unlocked:
listener->onUnlock(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_locked:
listener->onLock(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_orientation:
listener->onOrientationData(myo, time,
Quaternion<float>(libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_x),
libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_y),
libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_z),
libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_w)));
listener->onAccelerometerData(myo, time,
Vector3<float>(libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(event, 0),
libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(event, 1),
libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(event, 2)));

listener->onGyroscopeData(myo, time,
Vector3<float>(libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(event, 0),
libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(event, 1),
libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(event, 2)));

case libmyo_event_pose:
listener->onPose(myo, time, Pose(static_cast<Pose::Type>(libmyo_event_get_pose(event))));
case libmyo_event_rssi:
listener->onRssi(myo, time, libmyo_event_get_rssi(event));
case libmyo_event_battery_level:
listener->onBatteryLevelReceived(myo, time, libmyo_event_get_battery_level(event));
case libmyo_event_emg: {
int8_t emg[] = { libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 0),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 1),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 2),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 3),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 4),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 5),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 6),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 7) };
listener->onEmgData(myo, time, emg);
case libmyo_event_warmup_completed: {
listener->onWarmupCompleted(myo, time, static_cast<WarmupResult>(libmyo_event_get_warmup_result(event)));

void Hub::run(unsigned int duration_ms)
struct local {
static libmyo_handler_result_t handler(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event) {
Hub* hub = static_cast<Hub*>(user_data);


return libmyo_handler_continue;
libmyo_run(_hub, duration_ms, &local::handler, this, ThrowOnError());

void Hub::runOnce(unsigned int duration_ms)
struct local {
static libmyo_handler_result_t handler(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event) {
Hub* hub = static_cast<Hub*>(user_data);


return libmyo_handler_stop;
libmyo_run(_hub, duration_ms, &local::handler, this, ThrowOnError());

libmyo_hub_t Hub::libmyoObject()
return _hub;

Myo* Hub::lookupMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo) const
Myo* myo = 0;
for (std::vector<Myo*>::const_iterator I = _myos.begin(), IE = _myos.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
if ((*I)->libmyoObject() == opaqueMyo) {
myo = *I;

return myo;

Myo* Hub::addMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo)
Myo* myo = new Myo(opaqueMyo);


return myo;

} // namespace myo

+ 72
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/impl/Myo_impl.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "../Myo.hpp"
#include "../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp"

#include <stdexcept>

namespace myo {

void Myo::vibrate(VibrationType type)
libmyo_vibrate(_myo, static_cast<libmyo_vibration_type_t>(type), ThrowOnError());

void Myo::requestRssi() const
libmyo_request_rssi(_myo, ThrowOnError());

void Myo::requestBatteryLevel() const
libmyo_request_battery_level(_myo, myo::ThrowOnError());

void Myo::unlock(UnlockType type)
libmyo_myo_unlock(_myo, static_cast<libmyo_unlock_type_t>(type), ThrowOnError());

void Myo::lock()
libmyo_myo_lock(_myo, ThrowOnError());

void Myo::notifyUserAction()
libmyo_myo_notify_user_action(_myo, libmyo_user_action_single, ThrowOnError());

void Myo::setStreamEmg(StreamEmgType type)
libmyo_set_stream_emg(_myo, static_cast<libmyo_stream_emg_t>(type), ThrowOnError());

libmyo_myo_t Myo::libmyoObject() const
return _myo;

Myo::Myo(libmyo_myo_t myo)
: _myo(myo)
if (!_myo) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot construct Myo instance with null pointer");


} // namespace myo

+ 97
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/cxx/impl/Pose_impl.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#include "../Pose.hpp"

#include <iostream>

namespace myo {

: _type(unknown)

Pose::Pose(Pose::Type type)
: _type(type)

bool Pose::operator==(Pose other) const
return _type == other._type;

bool Pose::operator!=(Pose other) const
return !(*this == other);

Pose::Type Pose::type() const
return _type;

bool operator==(Pose pose, Pose::Type type)
return pose.type() == type;

bool operator==(Pose::Type type, Pose pose)
return pose == type;

bool operator!=(Pose pose, Pose::Type type)
return !(pose == type);

bool operator!=(Pose::Type type, Pose pose)
return !(type == pose);

std::string Pose::toString() const
switch (type()) {
case Pose::rest:
return "rest";
case Pose::fist:
return "fist";
case Pose::waveIn:
return "waveIn";
case Pose::waveOut:
return "waveOut";
case Pose::fingersSpread:
return "fingersSpread";
case Pose::doubleTap:
return "doubleTap";
case Pose::unknown:
return "unknown";

return "<invalid>";

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Pose& pose)
return out << pose.toString();

} // namespace myo


+ 425
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/libmyo.h View File

@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#ifndef MYO_LIBMYO_H
#define MYO_LIBMYO_H

#include <stdint.h>

#include "libmyo/detail/visibility.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/// @file libmyo.h
/// libmyo C API declarations.

typedef void* libmyo_hub_t;

/// \defgroup errors Error Handling
/// @{

/// Function result codes.
/// All libmyo functions that can fail return a value of this type.
typedef enum {
} libmyo_result_t;

/// Opaque handle to detailed error information.
typedef void* libmyo_error_details_t;

/// Return a null-terminated string with a detailed error message.
const char* libmyo_error_cstring(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// Returns the kind of error that occurred.
libmyo_result_t libmyo_error_kind(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// Free the resources allocated by an error object.
void libmyo_free_error_details(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// @}

/// \defgroup libmyo_string Strings
/// @{

// Opaque string.
typedef void* libmyo_string_t;

// Return a null-terminated string from the opaque string.
const char* libmyo_string_c_str(libmyo_string_t);

// Free the resources allocated by the string object.
void libmyo_string_free(libmyo_string_t);

/// @}

/// \defgroup libmyo_direct_mac_addresses MAC address utilities
/// @{

/// Retrieve the string representation of a MAC address in hex.
/// Returns a string in the format of 00-00-00-00-00-00.
libmyo_string_t libmyo_mac_address_to_string(uint64_t);

/// Retrieve the MAC address from a null-terminated string in the format of 00-00-00-00-00-00.
/// Returns 0 if the string does not match the format.
uint64_t libmyo_string_to_mac_address(const char*);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_hub Hub instance
/// @{

/// Initialize a connection to the hub.
/// \a application_identifier must follow a reverse domain name format (ex. com.domainname.appname). Application
/// identifiers can be formed from the set of alphanumeric ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The hyphen (-) and
/// underscore (_) characters are permitted if they are not adjacent to a period (.) character (i.e. not at the start or
/// end of each segment), but are not permitted in the top-level domain. Application identifiers must have three or more
/// segments. For example, if a company's domain is and the application is named hello-world, one could use
/// "com.example.hello-world" as a valid application identifier. \a application_identifier can be NULL or empty.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the connection is successfully established, otherwise:
/// - libmyo_error_runtime if a connection could not be established
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a out_hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a application_identifier is longer than 255 characters
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a application_identifier is not in the proper reverse domain name format
libmyo_result_t libmyo_init_hub(libmyo_hub_t* out_hub, const char* application_identifier,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Free the resources allocated to a hub.
/// @returns libmyo_success if shutdown is successful, otherwise:
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error if \a hub is not a valid hub
libmyo_result_t libmyo_shutdown_hub(libmyo_hub_t hub, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

// Locking policies.
typedef enum {
libmyo_locking_policy_none, ///< Pose events are always sent.
libmyo_locking_policy_standard ///< Pose events are not sent while a Myo is locked.
} libmyo_locking_policy_t;

/// Set the locking policy for Myos connected to the hub.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the locking policy is successfully set, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error if \a hub is not a valid hub
libmyo_result_t libmyo_set_locking_policy(libmyo_hub_t hub, libmyo_locking_policy_t locking_policy,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_myo Myo instances
/// @{

/// Opaque type corresponding to a known Myo device.
typedef void* libmyo_myo_t;

/// Types of vibration
typedef enum {
} libmyo_vibration_type_t;

/// Retrieve the MAC address of a Myo.
/// The MAC address is unique to the physical Myo, and is a 48-bit number.
uint64_t libmyo_get_mac_address(libmyo_myo_t myo);

/// Vibrate the given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully vibrated, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_vibrate(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_vibration_type_t type, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Request the RSSI for a given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_rssi event will likely be generated with the value of the RSSI.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully got the RSSI, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_request_rssi(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Request the battery level for a given Myo.
/// A libmyo_event_battery_level event will be generated with the value of the battery level.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully requested the battery level, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_request_battery_level(libmyo_myo_t myo_opq, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// EMG streaming modes.
typedef enum {
libmyo_stream_emg_disabled, ///< Do not send EMG data.
libmyo_stream_emg_enabled ///< Send EMG data.
} libmyo_stream_emg_t;

/// Set whether or not to stream EMG data for a given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the EMG mode was set successfully, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_set_stream_emg(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_stream_emg_t emg, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_poses Pose recognition.
/// @{

/// Supported poses.
typedef enum {
libmyo_pose_rest = 0, ///< Rest pose.
libmyo_pose_fist = 1, ///< User is making a fist.
libmyo_pose_wave_in = 2, ///< User has an open palm rotated towards the posterior of their wrist.
libmyo_pose_wave_out = 3, ///< User has an open palm rotated towards the anterior of their wrist.
libmyo_pose_fingers_spread = 4, ///< User has an open palm with their fingers spread away from each other.
libmyo_pose_double_tap = 5, ///< User tapped their thumb and middle finger together twice in succession.

libmyo_num_poses, ///< Number of poses supported; not a valid pose.

libmyo_pose_unknown = 0xffff ///< Unknown pose.
} libmyo_pose_t;

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_locking Myo locking mechanism

/// Valid unlock types.
typedef enum {
libmyo_unlock_timed = 0, ///< Unlock for a fixed period of time.
libmyo_unlock_hold = 1, ///< Unlock until explicitly told to re-lock.
} libmyo_unlock_type_t;

/// Unlock the given Myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_unlocked event will be generated if the Myo was locked.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo was successfully unlocked, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_myo_unlock(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_unlock_type_t type, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Lock the given Myo immediately.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_locked event will be generated if the Myo was unlocked.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo was successfully locked, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_myo_lock(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// User action types.
typedef enum {
libmyo_user_action_single = 0, ///< User did a single, discrete action, such as pausing a video.
} libmyo_user_action_type_t;

/// Notify the given Myo that a user action was recognized.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. Will cause Myo to vibrate.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo was successfully notified, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_myo_notify_user_action(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_user_action_type_t type,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_events Event Handling
/// @{

/// Types of events.
typedef enum {
libmyo_event_paired, ///< Successfully paired with a Myo.
libmyo_event_unpaired, ///< Successfully unpaired from a Myo.
libmyo_event_connected, ///< A Myo has successfully connected.
libmyo_event_disconnected, ///< A Myo has been disconnected.
libmyo_event_arm_synced, ///< A Myo has recognized that the sync gesture has been successfully performed.
libmyo_event_arm_unsynced, ///< A Myo has been moved or removed from the arm.
libmyo_event_orientation, ///< Orientation data has been received.
libmyo_event_pose, ///< A change in pose has been detected. @see libmyo_pose_t.
libmyo_event_rssi, ///< An RSSI value has been received.
libmyo_event_unlocked, ///< A Myo has become unlocked.
libmyo_event_locked, ///< A Myo has become locked.
libmyo_event_emg, ///< EMG data has been received.
libmyo_event_battery_level, ///< A battery level value has been received.
libmyo_event_warmup_completed, ///< The warmup period has completed.
} libmyo_event_type_t;

/// Information about an event.
typedef const void* libmyo_event_t;

/// Retrieve the type of an event.
uint32_t libmyo_event_get_type(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the timestamp of an event.
/// @see libmyo_now() for details on timestamps.
uint64_t libmyo_event_get_timestamp(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the Myo associated with an event.
libmyo_myo_t libmyo_event_get_myo(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the MAC address of the myo associated with an event.
uint64_t libmyo_event_get_mac_address(libmyo_event_t event_opq);

/// Retrieve the name of the myo associated with an event.
/// Caller must free the returned string. @see libmyo_string functions.
libmyo_string_t libmyo_event_get_myo_name(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Components of version.
typedef enum {
libmyo_version_major, ///< Major version.
libmyo_version_minor, ///< Minor version.
libmyo_version_patch, ///< Patch version.
libmyo_version_hardware_rev, ///< Hardware revision.
} libmyo_version_component_t;

/// Hardware revisions.
typedef enum {
libmyo_hardware_rev_c = 1, ///< Alpha units
libmyo_hardware_rev_d = 2, ///< Consumer units
} libmyo_hardware_rev_t;

/// Retrieve the Myo armband's firmware version from this event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_paired and libmyo_event_connected events.
unsigned int libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(libmyo_event_t event, libmyo_version_component_t);

/// Enumeration identifying a right arm or left arm. @see libmyo_event_get_arm().
typedef enum {
libmyo_arm_right, ///< Myo is on the right arm.
libmyo_arm_left, ///< Myo is on the left arm.
libmyo_arm_unknown, ///< Unknown arm.
} libmyo_arm_t;

/// Retrieve the arm associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
libmyo_arm_t libmyo_event_get_arm(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible directions for Myo's +x axis relative to a user's arm.
typedef enum {
libmyo_x_direction_toward_wrist, ///< Myo's +x axis is pointing toward the user's wrist.
libmyo_x_direction_toward_elbow, ///< Myo's +x axis is pointing toward the user's elbow.
libmyo_x_direction_unknown, ///< Unknown +x axis direction.
} libmyo_x_direction_t;

/// Retrieve the x-direction associated with an event.
/// The x-direction specifies which way Myo's +x axis is pointing relative to the user's arm.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
libmyo_x_direction_t libmyo_event_get_x_direction(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible warmup states for Myo.
typedef enum {
libmyo_warmup_state_unknown = 0, ///< Unknown warm up state.
libmyo_warmup_state_cold = 1, ///< Myo needs to warm up.
libmyo_warmup_state_warm = 2, ///< Myo is already in a warmed up state.
} libmyo_warmup_state_t;

/// Retrieve the warmup state of the Myo associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
libmyo_warmup_state_t libmyo_event_get_warmup_state(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible warmup results for Myo.
typedef enum {
libmyo_warmup_result_unknown = 0, ///< Unknown warm up result.
libmyo_warmup_result_success = 1, ///< The warm up period has completed successfully.
libmyo_warmup_result_failed_timeout = 2, ///< The warm up period timed out.
} libmyo_warmup_result_t;

/// Retrieve the warmup result of the Myo associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_warmup_completed events only.
libmyo_warmup_result_t libmyo_event_get_warmup_result(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the estimated rotation of Myo on the user's arm after a sync.
/// The values specifies the rotation of the myo on the arm (0 - logo facing down, pi - logo facing up)
/// Only supported by FW 1.3.x and above (older firmware will always report 0 for the rotation)
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
float libmyo_event_get_rotation_on_arm(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Index into orientation data, which is provided as a quaternion.
/// Orientation data is returned as a unit quaternion of floats, represented as `w + x * i + y * j + z * k`.
typedef enum {
libmyo_orientation_x = 0, ///< First component of the quaternion's vector part
libmyo_orientation_y = 1, ///< Second component of the quaternion's vector part
libmyo_orientation_z = 2, ///< Third component of the quaternion's vector part
libmyo_orientation_w = 3, ///< Scalar component of the quaternion.
} libmyo_orientation_index;

/// Retrieve orientation data associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// @see libmyo_orientation_index
float libmyo_event_get_orientation(libmyo_event_t event, libmyo_orientation_index index);

/// Retrieve raw accelerometer data associated with an event in units of g.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// Requires `index < 3`.
float libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int index);

/// Retrieve raw gyroscope data associated with an event in units of deg/s.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// Requires `index < 3`.
float libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int index);

/// Retrieve the pose associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_pose events only.
libmyo_pose_t libmyo_event_get_pose(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retreive the RSSI associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_rssi events only.
int8_t libmyo_event_get_rssi(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the battery level of the Myo armband associated with an event.
/// Only valid for libmyo_event_battery_level event.
uint8_t libmyo_event_get_battery_level(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve an EMG data point associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_emg events only.
/// @a sensor must be smaller than 8.
int8_t libmyo_event_get_emg(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int sensor);

/// Return type for event handlers.
typedef enum {
libmyo_handler_continue, ///< Continue processing events
libmyo_handler_stop, ///< Stop processing events
} libmyo_handler_result_t;

/// Callback function type to handle events as they occur from libmyo_run().
typedef libmyo_handler_result_t (*libmyo_handler_t)(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event);

/// Process events and call the provided callback as they occur.
/// Runs for up to approximately \a duration_ms milliseconds or until a called handler returns libmyo_handler_stop.
/// @returns libmyo_success after a successful run, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a handler is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_run(libmyo_hub_t hub, unsigned int duration_ms, libmyo_handler_t handler, void* user_data,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"

#endif // MYO_LIBMYO_H

+ 32
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/libmyo/detail/visibility.h View File

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#ifdef myo_EXPORTS
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllexport))
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllimport))
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))


+ 13
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Headers/myo.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

/// The namespace in which all of the %Myo C++ bindings are contained.
namespace myo {}

#include "cxx/DeviceListener.hpp"
#include "cxx/Hub.hpp"
#include "cxx/Myo.hpp"
#include "cxx/Pose.hpp"
#include "cxx/Quaternion.hpp"
#include "cxx/Vector3.hpp"

+ 26
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist View File

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

+ 167
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/A/_CodeSignature/CodeResources View File

@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

other/myo.framework/Versions/A/myo View File

+ 197
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/DeviceListener.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>

#include "Pose.hpp"

namespace myo {

class Myo;
template<typename T>
class Quaternion;
template<typename T>
class Vector3;

/// Enumeration identifying a right arm or left arm.
enum Arm {
armLeft = libmyo_arm_left,
armRight = libmyo_arm_right,
armUnknown = libmyo_arm_unknown

/// Possible directions for Myo's +x axis relative to a user's arm.
enum XDirection {
xDirectionTowardWrist = libmyo_x_direction_toward_wrist,
xDirectionTowardElbow = libmyo_x_direction_toward_elbow,
xDirectionUnknown = libmyo_x_direction_unknown

/// Possible warmup states for a Myo.
enum WarmupState {
warmupStateUnknown = libmyo_warmup_state_unknown,
warmupStateCold = libmyo_warmup_state_cold,
warmupStateWarm = libmyo_warmup_state_warm,

/// Possible warmup results for a Myo.
enum WarmupResult {
warmupResultUnknown = libmyo_warmup_result_unknown,
warmupResultSuccess = libmyo_warmup_result_success,
warmupResultFailedTimeout = libmyo_warmup_result_failed_timeout,

/// Firmware version of Myo.
struct FirmwareVersion {
unsigned int firmwareVersionMajor; ///< Myo's major version must match the required major version.
unsigned int firmwareVersionMinor; ///< Myo's minor version must match the required minor version.
unsigned int firmwareVersionPatch; ///< Myo's patch version must greater or equal to the required patch version.
unsigned int firmwareVersionHardwareRev; ///< Myo's hardware revision; not used to detect firmware version mismatch.

/// A DeviceListener receives events about a Myo.
/// @see Hub::addListener()
class DeviceListener {
virtual ~DeviceListener() {}

/// Called when a Myo has been paired.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param firmwareVersion The firmware version of \a myo.
virtual void onPair(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, FirmwareVersion firmwareVersion) {}

/// Called when a Myo has been unpaired.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onUnpair(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has been connected.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param firmwareVersion The firmware version of \a myo.
virtual void onConnect(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, FirmwareVersion firmwareVersion) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has been disconnected.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onDisconnect(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo recognizes that it is on an arm.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param arm The identified Arm of \a myo.
/// @param xDirection The identified XDirection of \a myo.
/// @param rotation The estimated rotation of Myo on the user's arm after a sync.
/// @param warmupState The warmup state of \a myo. If \a warmupState is equal to WarmupState::warmupStateCold,
/// onWarmupCompleted() will be called when the warmup period has completed.
virtual void onArmSync(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, Arm arm, XDirection xDirection, float rotation,
WarmupState warmupState) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo is moved or removed from the arm.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onArmUnsync(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo becomes unlocked.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onUnlock(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo becomes locked.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
virtual void onLock(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided a new pose.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param pose The identified Pose of \a myo.
virtual void onPose(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, Pose pose) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new orientation data.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param rotation The orientation data of \a myo, as a Quaternion.
virtual void onOrientationData(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const Quaternion<float>& rotation) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new accelerometer data in units of g.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param accel The accelerometer data of \a myo, in units of g.
virtual void onAccelerometerData(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const Vector3<float>& accel) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new gyroscope data in units of deg/s.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param gyro The gyroscope data of \a myo, in units of deg/s.
virtual void onGyroscopeData(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const Vector3<float>& gyro) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided a new RSSI value.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param rssi The RSSI (received signal strength indication) of \a myo.
/// @see Myo::requestRssi() to request an RSSI value from the Myo.
virtual void onRssi(Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, int8_t rssi) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo receives an battery level update.
/// Updates occur when the battery level changes and when the battery level is explicitly requested.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param level battery level reported by the myo the value is a number from 0 to 100 representing the percentage
/// of battery life remaining.
virtual void onBatteryLevelReceived(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, uint8_t level) {}

/// Called when a paired Myo has provided new EMG data.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param emg An array of 8 elements, each corresponding to one sensor.
virtual void onEmgData(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, const int8_t* emg) {}

/// Called when the warmup period for a Myo has completed.
/// @param myo The Myo for this event.
/// @param timestamp The timestamp of when the event is received by the SDK. Timestamps are 64 bit unsigned
/// integers that correspond to a number of microseconds since some (unspecified) period in time. Timestamps
/// are monotonically non-decreasing.
/// @param warmupResult The warmup result of \a myo.
virtual void onWarmupCompleted(myo::Myo* myo, uint64_t timestamp, WarmupResult warmupResult) {}


virtual void onOpaqueEvent(libmyo_event_t event) {}

/// @endcond

} // namespace myo

+ 91
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/Hub.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <vector>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

namespace myo {

class Myo;
class DeviceListener;

/// @brief A Hub provides access to one or more Myo instances.
class Hub {
/// Construct a hub.
/// \a applicationIdentifier must follow a reverse domain name format (ex. com.domainname.appname). Application
/// identifiers can be formed from the set of alphanumeric ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The hyphen (-) and
/// underscore (_) characters are permitted if they are not adjacent to a period (.) character (i.e. not at the
/// start or end of each segment), but are not permitted in the top-level domain. Application identifiers must have
/// three or more segments. For example, if a company's domain is and the application is named
/// hello-world, one could use "com.example.hello-world" as a valid application identifier. \a applicationIdentifier
/// can be an empty string.
/// Throws an exception of type std::invalid_argument if \a applicationIdentifier is not in the proper reverse
/// domain name format or is longer than 255 characters.
/// Throws an exception of type std::runtime_error if the hub initialization failed for some reason, typically
/// because Myo Connect is not running and a connection can thus not be established.
Hub(const std::string& applicationIdentifier = "");

/// Deallocate any resources associated with a Hub.
/// This will cause all Myo instances retrieved from this Hub to become invalid.

/// Wait for a Myo to become paired, or time out after \a timeout_ms milliseconds if provided.
/// If \a timeout_ms is zero, this function blocks until a Myo is found.
/// This function must not be called concurrently with run() or runOnce().
Myo* waitForMyo(unsigned int milliseconds = 0);

/// Register a listener to be called when device events occur.
void addListener(DeviceListener* listener);

/// Remove a previously registered listener.
void removeListener(DeviceListener* listener);

/// Locking policies supported by Myo.
enum LockingPolicy {
lockingPolicyNone = libmyo_locking_policy_none,
lockingPolicyStandard = libmyo_locking_policy_standard

/// Set the locking policy for Myos connected to the Hub.
void setLockingPolicy(LockingPolicy lockingPolicy);

/// Run the event loop for the specified duration (in milliseconds).
void run(unsigned int duration_ms);

/// Run the event loop until a single event occurs, or the specified duration (in milliseconds) has elapsed.
void runOnce(unsigned int duration_ms);


/// Return the internal libmyo object corresponding to this hub.
libmyo_hub_t libmyoObject();

void onDeviceEvent(libmyo_event_t event);

Myo* lookupMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo) const;

Myo* addMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo);

libmyo_hub_t _hub;
std::vector<Myo*> _myos;
std::vector<DeviceListener*> _listeners;

/// @endcond

// Not implemented
Hub(const Hub&);
Hub& operator=(const Hub&);

/// @example hello-myo.cpp
/// @example multiple-myos.cpp
/// @example emg-data-sample.cpp

} // namespace myo

#include "impl/Hub_impl.hpp"

+ 83
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/Myo.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

namespace myo {

/// Represents a Myo device with a specific MAC address.
/// This class can not be instantiated directly; instead, use Hub to get access to a Myo.
/// There is only one Myo instance corresponding to each device; thus, if the addresses of two Myo instances compare
/// equal, they refer to the same device.
class Myo {
/// Types of vibration supported by the Myo.
enum VibrationType {
vibrationShort = libmyo_vibration_short,
vibrationMedium = libmyo_vibration_medium,
vibrationLong = libmyo_vibration_long

/// Vibrate the Myo.
void vibrate(VibrationType type);

/// Request the RSSI of the Myo. An onRssi event will likely be generated with the value of the RSSI.
/// @see DeviceListener::onRssi()
void requestRssi() const;

/// Request the battery level of the Myo. An onBatteryLevelReceived event will be generated with the value.
/// @see DeviceListener::onBatteryLevelReceived().
void requestBatteryLevel() const;

/// Unlock types supported by Myo.
enum UnlockType {
unlockTimed = libmyo_unlock_timed,
unlockHold = libmyo_unlock_hold

/// Unlock the Myo.
/// Myo will remain unlocked for a short amount of time, after which it will automatically lock again.
/// If Myo was locked, an onUnlock event will be generated.
void unlock(UnlockType type);

/// Force the Myo to lock immediately.
/// If Myo was unlocked, an onLock event will be generated.
void lock();

/// Notify the Myo that a user action was recognized.
/// Will cause Myo to vibrate.
void notifyUserAction();

/// Valid EMG streaming modes for a Myo.
enum StreamEmgType {
streamEmgDisabled = libmyo_stream_emg_disabled,
streamEmgEnabled = libmyo_stream_emg_enabled

/// Sets the EMG streaming mode for a Myo.
void setStreamEmg(StreamEmgType type);


/// Return the internal libmyo object corresponding to this device.
libmyo_myo_t libmyoObject() const;

/// @endcond

Myo(libmyo_myo_t myo);

libmyo_myo_t _myo;

// Not implemented.
Myo(const Myo&);
Myo& operator=(const Myo&);

friend class Hub;

} // namespace myo

#include "impl/Myo_impl.hpp"

+ 70
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/Pose.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

namespace myo {

/// A pose represents a detected configuration of the user's hand.
class Pose {
/// Types of poses supported by the SDK.
enum Type {
rest = libmyo_pose_rest,
fist = libmyo_pose_fist,
waveIn = libmyo_pose_wave_in,
waveOut = libmyo_pose_wave_out,
fingersSpread = libmyo_pose_fingers_spread,
doubleTap = libmyo_pose_double_tap,
unknown = libmyo_pose_unknown

/// Construct a pose of type Pose::none.

/// Construct a pose with the given type.
Pose(Type type);

/// Returns true if and only if the two poses are of the same type.
bool operator==(Pose other) const;

/// Equivalent to `!(*this == other)`.
bool operator!=(Pose other) const;

/// Returns the type of this pose.
Type type() const;

/// Return a human-readable string representation of the pose.
std::string toString() const;

Type _type;

/// @relates Pose
/// Returns true if and only if the type of pose is the same as the provided type.
bool operator==(Pose pose, Pose::Type t);

/// @relates Pose
/// Equivalent to `pose == type`.
bool operator==(Pose::Type type, Pose pose);

/// @relates Pose
/// Equivalent to `!(pose == type)`.
bool operator!=(Pose pose, Pose::Type type);

/// @relates Pose
/// Equivalent to `!(type == pose)`.
bool operator!=(Pose::Type type, Pose pose);

/// @relates Pose
/// Write the name of the provided pose to the provided output stream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Pose& pose);

} // namespace myo

#include "impl/Pose_impl.hpp"

+ 158
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/Quaternion.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <cmath>

#include "Vector3.hpp"

namespace myo {

/// A quaternion that can be used to represent a rotation.
/// This type provides only very basic functionality to store quaternions that's sufficient to retrieve the data to
/// be placed in a full featured quaternion type.
template<typename T>
class Quaternion {
/// Construct a quaternion that represents zero rotation (i.e. the multiplicative identity).
: _x(0)
, _y(0)
, _z(0)
, _w(1)

/// Construct a quaternion with the provided components.
Quaternion(T x, T y, T z, T w)
: _x(x)
, _y(y)
, _z(z)
, _w(w)

/// Set the components of this quaternion to be those of the other.
Quaternion& operator=(const Quaternion other)
_x = other._x;
_y = other._y;
_z = other._z;
_w = other._w;

return *this;

/// Return the x-component of this quaternion's vector.
T x() const { return _x; }

/// Return the y-component of this quaternion's vector.
T y() const { return _y; }

/// Return the z-component of this quaternion's vector.
T z() const { return _z; }

/// Return the w-component (scalar) of this quaternion.
T w() const { return _w; }

/// Return the quaternion multiplied by \a rhs.
/// Note that quaternion multiplication is not commutative.
Quaternion operator*(const Quaternion& rhs) const
return Quaternion(
_w * rhs._x + _x * rhs._w + _y * rhs._z - _z * rhs._y,
_w * rhs._y - _x * rhs._z + _y * rhs._w + _z * rhs._x,
_w * rhs._z + _x * rhs._y - _y * rhs._x + _z * rhs._w,
_w * rhs._w - _x * rhs._x - _y * rhs._y - _z * rhs._z

/// Multiply this quaternion by \a rhs.
/// Return this quaternion updated with the result.
Quaternion& operator*=(const Quaternion& rhs)
*this = *this * rhs;
return *this;

/// Return the unit quaternion corresponding to the same rotation as this one.
Quaternion normalized() const
T magnitude = std::sqrt(_x * _x + _y * _y + _z * _z + _w * _w);

return Quaternion(_x / magnitude, _y / magnitude, _z / magnitude, _w / magnitude);

/// Return this quaternion's conjugate.
Quaternion conjugate() const
return Quaternion(-_x, -_y, -_z, _w);

/// Return a quaternion that represents a right-handed rotation of \a angle radians about the given \a axis.
/// \a axis The unit vector representing the axis of rotation.
/// \a angle The angle of rotation, in radians.
static Quaternion fromAxisAngle(const myo::Vector3<T>& axis, T angle)
return Quaternion(axis.x() * std::sin(angle / 2),
axis.y() * std::sin(angle / 2),
axis.z() * std::sin(angle / 2),
std::cos(angle / 2));

T _x, _y, _z, _w;

/// Return a copy of this \a vec rotated by \a quat.
/// \relates myo::Quaternion
template<typename T>
Vector3<T> rotate(const Quaternion<T>& quat, const Vector3<T>& vec)
myo::Quaternion<T> qvec(vec.x(), vec.y(), vec.z(), 0);
myo::Quaternion<T> result = quat * qvec * quat.conjugate();
return Vector3<T>(result.x(), result.y(), result.z());

/// Return a quaternion that represents a rotation from vector \a from to \a to.
/// \relates myo::Quaternion
/// See
/// for some explanation.
template<typename T>
Quaternion<T> rotate(const Vector3<T>& from, const Vector3<T>& to)
Vector3<T> cross = from.cross(to);

// The product of the square of magnitudes and the cosine of the angle between from and to.
T cosTheta =;

// Return identity if the vectors are the same direction.
if (cosTheta >= 1) {
return Quaternion<T>();

// The product of the square of the magnitudes
T k = std::sqrt( *;

// Return identity in the degenerate case.
if (k <= 0) {
return Quaternion<T>();

// Special handling for vectors facing opposite directions.
if (cosTheta / k <= -1) {
Vector3<T> xAxis(1, 0, 0);
Vector3<T> yAxis(0, 1, 0);

cross = from.cross(std::abs( < 1 ? xAxis : yAxis);
k = cosTheta = 0;

return Quaternion<T>(
k + cosTheta);

} // namespace myo

+ 103
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/Vector3.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

#include <cmath>

namespace myo {

/// A vector of three components.
/// This type provides very basic functionality to store a three dimensional vector that's sufficient to retrieve
/// the data to be placed in a full featured vector type. A few common vector operations, such as dot product and
/// cross product, are also provided.
template<typename T>
class Vector3 {
/// Construct a vector of all zeroes.
_data[0] = 0;
_data[1] = 0;
_data[2] = 0;

/// Construct a vector with the three provided components.
Vector3(T x, T y, T z)
_data[0] = x;
_data[1] = y;
_data[2] = z;

/// Construct a vector with the same components as \a other.
Vector3(const Vector3& other)
*this = other;

/// Set the components of this vector to be the same as \a other.
Vector3& operator=(const Vector3& other)
_data[0] = other._data[0];
_data[1] = other._data[1];
_data[2] = other._data[2];

return *this;

/// Return a copy of the component of this vector at \a index, which should be 0, 1, or 2.
T operator[](unsigned int index) const
return _data[index];

/// Return the x-component of this vector.
T x() const { return _data[0]; }

/// Return the y-component of this vector.
T y() const { return _data[1]; }

/// Return the z-component of this vector.
T z() const { return _data[2]; }

/// Return the magnitude of this vector.
T magnitude() const
return std::sqrt(x() * x() + y() * y() + z() * z());

/// Return a normalized copy of this vector.
Vector3 normalized() const
T norm = magnitude();
return Vector3(x() / norm, y() / norm, z() / norm);

/// Return the dot product of this vector and \a rhs.
T dot(const Vector3& rhs) const
return x() * rhs.x() + y() * rhs.y() + z() * rhs.z();

/// Return the cross product of this vector and \a rhs.
Vector3 cross(const Vector3& rhs) const
return Vector3(
y() * rhs.z() - z() * rhs.y(),
z() * rhs.x() - x() * rhs.z(),
x() * rhs.y() - y() * rhs.x()

/// Return the angle between this vector and \a rhs, in radians.
T angleTo(const Vector3& rhs) const
return std::acos(dot(rhs) / (magnitude() * rhs.magnitude()));

T _data[3];

} // namespace myo

+ 70
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/detail/ThrowOnError.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#include <stdexcept>

#include <myo/libmyo.h>

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1800
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# define LIBMYO_NOEXCEPT(b) noexcept(b)

namespace myo {

class ThrowOnError {
: _error()

~ThrowOnError() LIBMYO_NOEXCEPT(false)
if (_error)
switch (libmyo_error_kind(_error)) {
case libmyo_error:
case libmyo_error_runtime:
std::runtime_error exception(libmyo_error_cstring(_error));
throw exception;
case libmyo_error_invalid_argument:
std::invalid_argument exception(libmyo_error_cstring(_error));
throw exception;
case libmyo_success:

operator libmyo_error_details_t*()
return &_error;

libmyo_error_details_t _error;

// Not implemented
ThrowOnError(const ThrowOnError&); // = delete;
ThrowOnError& operator=(const ThrowOnError&); // = delete;

} //namespace libmyo


+ 265
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/impl/Hub_impl.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "../Hub.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <exception>

#include "../DeviceListener.hpp"
#include "../Myo.hpp"
#include "../Pose.hpp"
#include "../Quaternion.hpp"
#include "../Vector3.hpp"
#include "../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp"

namespace myo {

Hub::Hub(const std::string& applicationIdentifier)
: _hub(0)
, _myos()
, _listeners()
libmyo_init_hub(&_hub, applicationIdentifier.c_str(), ThrowOnError());

for (std::vector<Myo*>::iterator I = _myos.begin(), IE = _myos.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
delete *I;
libmyo_shutdown_hub(_hub, 0);

Myo* Hub::waitForMyo(unsigned int timeout_ms)
std::size_t prevSize = _myos.size();

struct local {
static libmyo_handler_result_t handler(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event) {
Hub* hub = static_cast<Hub*>(user_data);

libmyo_myo_t opaque_myo = libmyo_event_get_myo(event);

switch (libmyo_event_get_type(event)) {
case libmyo_event_paired:
return libmyo_handler_stop;

return libmyo_handler_continue;

do {
libmyo_run(_hub, timeout_ms ? timeout_ms : 1000, &local::handler, this, ThrowOnError());
} while (!timeout_ms && _myos.size() <= prevSize);

if (_myos.size() <= prevSize) {
return 0;

return _myos.back();

void Hub::addListener(DeviceListener* listener)
if (std::find(_listeners.begin(), _listeners.end(), listener) != _listeners.end()) {
// Listener was already added.

void Hub::removeListener(DeviceListener* listener)
std::vector<DeviceListener*>::iterator I = std::find(_listeners.begin(), _listeners.end(), listener);
if (I == _listeners.end()) {
// Don't have this listener.


void Hub::setLockingPolicy(LockingPolicy lockingPolicy)
libmyo_set_locking_policy(_hub, static_cast<libmyo_locking_policy_t>(lockingPolicy), ThrowOnError());

void Hub::onDeviceEvent(libmyo_event_t event)
libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo = libmyo_event_get_myo(event);

Myo* myo = lookupMyo(opaqueMyo);

if (!myo && libmyo_event_get_type(event) == libmyo_event_paired) {
myo = addMyo(opaqueMyo);

if (!myo) {
// Ignore events for Myos we don't know about.

for (std::vector<DeviceListener*>::iterator I = _listeners.begin(), IE = _listeners.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
DeviceListener* listener = *I;


uint64_t time = libmyo_event_get_timestamp(event);

switch (libmyo_event_get_type(event)) {
case libmyo_event_paired: {
FirmwareVersion version = {libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_major),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_minor),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_patch),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_hardware_rev)};
listener->onPair(myo, time, version);
case libmyo_event_unpaired:
listener->onUnpair(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_connected: {
FirmwareVersion version = {libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_major),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_minor),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_patch),
libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(event, libmyo_version_hardware_rev)};
listener->onConnect(myo, time, version);
case libmyo_event_disconnected:
listener->onDisconnect(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_arm_synced:
listener->onArmSync(myo, time,
case libmyo_event_arm_unsynced:
listener->onArmUnsync(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_unlocked:
listener->onUnlock(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_locked:
listener->onLock(myo, time);
case libmyo_event_orientation:
listener->onOrientationData(myo, time,
Quaternion<float>(libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_x),
libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_y),
libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_z),
libmyo_event_get_orientation(event, libmyo_orientation_w)));
listener->onAccelerometerData(myo, time,
Vector3<float>(libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(event, 0),
libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(event, 1),
libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(event, 2)));

listener->onGyroscopeData(myo, time,
Vector3<float>(libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(event, 0),
libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(event, 1),
libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(event, 2)));

case libmyo_event_pose:
listener->onPose(myo, time, Pose(static_cast<Pose::Type>(libmyo_event_get_pose(event))));
case libmyo_event_rssi:
listener->onRssi(myo, time, libmyo_event_get_rssi(event));
case libmyo_event_battery_level:
listener->onBatteryLevelReceived(myo, time, libmyo_event_get_battery_level(event));
case libmyo_event_emg: {
int8_t emg[] = { libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 0),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 1),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 2),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 3),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 4),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 5),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 6),
libmyo_event_get_emg(event, 7) };
listener->onEmgData(myo, time, emg);
case libmyo_event_warmup_completed: {
listener->onWarmupCompleted(myo, time, static_cast<WarmupResult>(libmyo_event_get_warmup_result(event)));

void Hub::run(unsigned int duration_ms)
struct local {
static libmyo_handler_result_t handler(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event) {
Hub* hub = static_cast<Hub*>(user_data);


return libmyo_handler_continue;
libmyo_run(_hub, duration_ms, &local::handler, this, ThrowOnError());

void Hub::runOnce(unsigned int duration_ms)
struct local {
static libmyo_handler_result_t handler(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event) {
Hub* hub = static_cast<Hub*>(user_data);


return libmyo_handler_stop;
libmyo_run(_hub, duration_ms, &local::handler, this, ThrowOnError());

libmyo_hub_t Hub::libmyoObject()
return _hub;

Myo* Hub::lookupMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo) const
Myo* myo = 0;
for (std::vector<Myo*>::const_iterator I = _myos.begin(), IE = _myos.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
if ((*I)->libmyoObject() == opaqueMyo) {
myo = *I;

return myo;

Myo* Hub::addMyo(libmyo_myo_t opaqueMyo)
Myo* myo = new Myo(opaqueMyo);


return myo;

} // namespace myo

+ 72
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/impl/Myo_impl.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "../Myo.hpp"
#include "../detail/ThrowOnError.hpp"

#include <stdexcept>

namespace myo {

void Myo::vibrate(VibrationType type)
libmyo_vibrate(_myo, static_cast<libmyo_vibration_type_t>(type), ThrowOnError());

void Myo::requestRssi() const
libmyo_request_rssi(_myo, ThrowOnError());

void Myo::requestBatteryLevel() const
libmyo_request_battery_level(_myo, myo::ThrowOnError());

void Myo::unlock(UnlockType type)
libmyo_myo_unlock(_myo, static_cast<libmyo_unlock_type_t>(type), ThrowOnError());

void Myo::lock()
libmyo_myo_lock(_myo, ThrowOnError());

void Myo::notifyUserAction()
libmyo_myo_notify_user_action(_myo, libmyo_user_action_single, ThrowOnError());

void Myo::setStreamEmg(StreamEmgType type)
libmyo_set_stream_emg(_myo, static_cast<libmyo_stream_emg_t>(type), ThrowOnError());

libmyo_myo_t Myo::libmyoObject() const
return _myo;

Myo::Myo(libmyo_myo_t myo)
: _myo(myo)
if (!_myo) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot construct Myo instance with null pointer");


} // namespace myo

+ 97
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/cxx/impl/Pose_impl.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#include "../Pose.hpp"

#include <iostream>

namespace myo {

: _type(unknown)

Pose::Pose(Pose::Type type)
: _type(type)

bool Pose::operator==(Pose other) const
return _type == other._type;

bool Pose::operator!=(Pose other) const
return !(*this == other);

Pose::Type Pose::type() const
return _type;

bool operator==(Pose pose, Pose::Type type)
return pose.type() == type;

bool operator==(Pose::Type type, Pose pose)
return pose == type;

bool operator!=(Pose pose, Pose::Type type)
return !(pose == type);

bool operator!=(Pose::Type type, Pose pose)
return !(type == pose);

std::string Pose::toString() const
switch (type()) {
case Pose::rest:
return "rest";
case Pose::fist:
return "fist";
case Pose::waveIn:
return "waveIn";
case Pose::waveOut:
return "waveOut";
case Pose::fingersSpread:
return "fingersSpread";
case Pose::doubleTap:
return "doubleTap";
case Pose::unknown:
return "unknown";

return "<invalid>";

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Pose& pose)
return out << pose.toString();

} // namespace myo


+ 425
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/libmyo.h View File

@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#ifndef MYO_LIBMYO_H
#define MYO_LIBMYO_H

#include <stdint.h>

#include "libmyo/detail/visibility.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/// @file libmyo.h
/// libmyo C API declarations.

typedef void* libmyo_hub_t;

/// \defgroup errors Error Handling
/// @{

/// Function result codes.
/// All libmyo functions that can fail return a value of this type.
typedef enum {
} libmyo_result_t;

/// Opaque handle to detailed error information.
typedef void* libmyo_error_details_t;

/// Return a null-terminated string with a detailed error message.
const char* libmyo_error_cstring(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// Returns the kind of error that occurred.
libmyo_result_t libmyo_error_kind(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// Free the resources allocated by an error object.
void libmyo_free_error_details(libmyo_error_details_t);

/// @}

/// \defgroup libmyo_string Strings
/// @{

// Opaque string.
typedef void* libmyo_string_t;

// Return a null-terminated string from the opaque string.
const char* libmyo_string_c_str(libmyo_string_t);

// Free the resources allocated by the string object.
void libmyo_string_free(libmyo_string_t);

/// @}

/// \defgroup libmyo_direct_mac_addresses MAC address utilities
/// @{

/// Retrieve the string representation of a MAC address in hex.
/// Returns a string in the format of 00-00-00-00-00-00.
libmyo_string_t libmyo_mac_address_to_string(uint64_t);

/// Retrieve the MAC address from a null-terminated string in the format of 00-00-00-00-00-00.
/// Returns 0 if the string does not match the format.
uint64_t libmyo_string_to_mac_address(const char*);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_hub Hub instance
/// @{

/// Initialize a connection to the hub.
/// \a application_identifier must follow a reverse domain name format (ex. com.domainname.appname). Application
/// identifiers can be formed from the set of alphanumeric ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). The hyphen (-) and
/// underscore (_) characters are permitted if they are not adjacent to a period (.) character (i.e. not at the start or
/// end of each segment), but are not permitted in the top-level domain. Application identifiers must have three or more
/// segments. For example, if a company's domain is and the application is named hello-world, one could use
/// "com.example.hello-world" as a valid application identifier. \a application_identifier can be NULL or empty.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the connection is successfully established, otherwise:
/// - libmyo_error_runtime if a connection could not be established
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a out_hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a application_identifier is longer than 255 characters
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a application_identifier is not in the proper reverse domain name format
libmyo_result_t libmyo_init_hub(libmyo_hub_t* out_hub, const char* application_identifier,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Free the resources allocated to a hub.
/// @returns libmyo_success if shutdown is successful, otherwise:
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error if \a hub is not a valid hub
libmyo_result_t libmyo_shutdown_hub(libmyo_hub_t hub, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

// Locking policies.
typedef enum {
libmyo_locking_policy_none, ///< Pose events are always sent.
libmyo_locking_policy_standard ///< Pose events are not sent while a Myo is locked.
} libmyo_locking_policy_t;

/// Set the locking policy for Myos connected to the hub.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the locking policy is successfully set, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error if \a hub is not a valid hub
libmyo_result_t libmyo_set_locking_policy(libmyo_hub_t hub, libmyo_locking_policy_t locking_policy,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_myo Myo instances
/// @{

/// Opaque type corresponding to a known Myo device.
typedef void* libmyo_myo_t;

/// Types of vibration
typedef enum {
} libmyo_vibration_type_t;

/// Retrieve the MAC address of a Myo.
/// The MAC address is unique to the physical Myo, and is a 48-bit number.
uint64_t libmyo_get_mac_address(libmyo_myo_t myo);

/// Vibrate the given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully vibrated, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_vibrate(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_vibration_type_t type, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Request the RSSI for a given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_rssi event will likely be generated with the value of the RSSI.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully got the RSSI, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_request_rssi(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Request the battery level for a given Myo.
/// A libmyo_event_battery_level event will be generated with the value of the battery level.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo successfully requested the battery level, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_request_battery_level(libmyo_myo_t myo_opq, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// EMG streaming modes.
typedef enum {
libmyo_stream_emg_disabled, ///< Do not send EMG data.
libmyo_stream_emg_enabled ///< Send EMG data.
} libmyo_stream_emg_t;

/// Set whether or not to stream EMG data for a given myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the EMG mode was set successfully, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_set_stream_emg(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_stream_emg_t emg, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_poses Pose recognition.
/// @{

/// Supported poses.
typedef enum {
libmyo_pose_rest = 0, ///< Rest pose.
libmyo_pose_fist = 1, ///< User is making a fist.
libmyo_pose_wave_in = 2, ///< User has an open palm rotated towards the posterior of their wrist.
libmyo_pose_wave_out = 3, ///< User has an open palm rotated towards the anterior of their wrist.
libmyo_pose_fingers_spread = 4, ///< User has an open palm with their fingers spread away from each other.
libmyo_pose_double_tap = 5, ///< User tapped their thumb and middle finger together twice in succession.

libmyo_num_poses, ///< Number of poses supported; not a valid pose.

libmyo_pose_unknown = 0xffff ///< Unknown pose.
} libmyo_pose_t;

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_locking Myo locking mechanism

/// Valid unlock types.
typedef enum {
libmyo_unlock_timed = 0, ///< Unlock for a fixed period of time.
libmyo_unlock_hold = 1, ///< Unlock until explicitly told to re-lock.
} libmyo_unlock_type_t;

/// Unlock the given Myo.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_unlocked event will be generated if the Myo was locked.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo was successfully unlocked, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_myo_unlock(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_unlock_type_t type, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// Lock the given Myo immediately.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. A libmyo_event_locked event will be generated if the Myo was unlocked.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo was successfully locked, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_myo_lock(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// User action types.
typedef enum {
libmyo_user_action_single = 0, ///< User did a single, discrete action, such as pausing a video.
} libmyo_user_action_type_t;

/// Notify the given Myo that a user action was recognized.
/// Can be called when a Myo is paired. Will cause Myo to vibrate.
/// @returns libmyo_success if the Myo was successfully notified, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a myo is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_myo_notify_user_action(libmyo_myo_t myo, libmyo_user_action_type_t type,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

/// @defgroup libmyo_events Event Handling
/// @{

/// Types of events.
typedef enum {
libmyo_event_paired, ///< Successfully paired with a Myo.
libmyo_event_unpaired, ///< Successfully unpaired from a Myo.
libmyo_event_connected, ///< A Myo has successfully connected.
libmyo_event_disconnected, ///< A Myo has been disconnected.
libmyo_event_arm_synced, ///< A Myo has recognized that the sync gesture has been successfully performed.
libmyo_event_arm_unsynced, ///< A Myo has been moved or removed from the arm.
libmyo_event_orientation, ///< Orientation data has been received.
libmyo_event_pose, ///< A change in pose has been detected. @see libmyo_pose_t.
libmyo_event_rssi, ///< An RSSI value has been received.
libmyo_event_unlocked, ///< A Myo has become unlocked.
libmyo_event_locked, ///< A Myo has become locked.
libmyo_event_emg, ///< EMG data has been received.
libmyo_event_battery_level, ///< A battery level value has been received.
libmyo_event_warmup_completed, ///< The warmup period has completed.
} libmyo_event_type_t;

/// Information about an event.
typedef const void* libmyo_event_t;

/// Retrieve the type of an event.
uint32_t libmyo_event_get_type(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the timestamp of an event.
/// @see libmyo_now() for details on timestamps.
uint64_t libmyo_event_get_timestamp(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the Myo associated with an event.
libmyo_myo_t libmyo_event_get_myo(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the MAC address of the myo associated with an event.
uint64_t libmyo_event_get_mac_address(libmyo_event_t event_opq);

/// Retrieve the name of the myo associated with an event.
/// Caller must free the returned string. @see libmyo_string functions.
libmyo_string_t libmyo_event_get_myo_name(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Components of version.
typedef enum {
libmyo_version_major, ///< Major version.
libmyo_version_minor, ///< Minor version.
libmyo_version_patch, ///< Patch version.
libmyo_version_hardware_rev, ///< Hardware revision.
} libmyo_version_component_t;

/// Hardware revisions.
typedef enum {
libmyo_hardware_rev_c = 1, ///< Alpha units
libmyo_hardware_rev_d = 2, ///< Consumer units
} libmyo_hardware_rev_t;

/// Retrieve the Myo armband's firmware version from this event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_paired and libmyo_event_connected events.
unsigned int libmyo_event_get_firmware_version(libmyo_event_t event, libmyo_version_component_t);

/// Enumeration identifying a right arm or left arm. @see libmyo_event_get_arm().
typedef enum {
libmyo_arm_right, ///< Myo is on the right arm.
libmyo_arm_left, ///< Myo is on the left arm.
libmyo_arm_unknown, ///< Unknown arm.
} libmyo_arm_t;

/// Retrieve the arm associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
libmyo_arm_t libmyo_event_get_arm(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible directions for Myo's +x axis relative to a user's arm.
typedef enum {
libmyo_x_direction_toward_wrist, ///< Myo's +x axis is pointing toward the user's wrist.
libmyo_x_direction_toward_elbow, ///< Myo's +x axis is pointing toward the user's elbow.
libmyo_x_direction_unknown, ///< Unknown +x axis direction.
} libmyo_x_direction_t;

/// Retrieve the x-direction associated with an event.
/// The x-direction specifies which way Myo's +x axis is pointing relative to the user's arm.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
libmyo_x_direction_t libmyo_event_get_x_direction(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible warmup states for Myo.
typedef enum {
libmyo_warmup_state_unknown = 0, ///< Unknown warm up state.
libmyo_warmup_state_cold = 1, ///< Myo needs to warm up.
libmyo_warmup_state_warm = 2, ///< Myo is already in a warmed up state.
} libmyo_warmup_state_t;

/// Retrieve the warmup state of the Myo associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
libmyo_warmup_state_t libmyo_event_get_warmup_state(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Possible warmup results for Myo.
typedef enum {
libmyo_warmup_result_unknown = 0, ///< Unknown warm up result.
libmyo_warmup_result_success = 1, ///< The warm up period has completed successfully.
libmyo_warmup_result_failed_timeout = 2, ///< The warm up period timed out.
} libmyo_warmup_result_t;

/// Retrieve the warmup result of the Myo associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_warmup_completed events only.
libmyo_warmup_result_t libmyo_event_get_warmup_result(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the estimated rotation of Myo on the user's arm after a sync.
/// The values specifies the rotation of the myo on the arm (0 - logo facing down, pi - logo facing up)
/// Only supported by FW 1.3.x and above (older firmware will always report 0 for the rotation)
/// Valid for libmyo_event_arm_synced events only.
float libmyo_event_get_rotation_on_arm(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Index into orientation data, which is provided as a quaternion.
/// Orientation data is returned as a unit quaternion of floats, represented as `w + x * i + y * j + z * k`.
typedef enum {
libmyo_orientation_x = 0, ///< First component of the quaternion's vector part
libmyo_orientation_y = 1, ///< Second component of the quaternion's vector part
libmyo_orientation_z = 2, ///< Third component of the quaternion's vector part
libmyo_orientation_w = 3, ///< Scalar component of the quaternion.
} libmyo_orientation_index;

/// Retrieve orientation data associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// @see libmyo_orientation_index
float libmyo_event_get_orientation(libmyo_event_t event, libmyo_orientation_index index);

/// Retrieve raw accelerometer data associated with an event in units of g.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// Requires `index < 3`.
float libmyo_event_get_accelerometer(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int index);

/// Retrieve raw gyroscope data associated with an event in units of deg/s.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_orientation events only.
/// Requires `index < 3`.
float libmyo_event_get_gyroscope(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int index);

/// Retrieve the pose associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_pose events only.
libmyo_pose_t libmyo_event_get_pose(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retreive the RSSI associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_rssi events only.
int8_t libmyo_event_get_rssi(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve the battery level of the Myo armband associated with an event.
/// Only valid for libmyo_event_battery_level event.
uint8_t libmyo_event_get_battery_level(libmyo_event_t event);

/// Retrieve an EMG data point associated with an event.
/// Valid for libmyo_event_emg events only.
/// @a sensor must be smaller than 8.
int8_t libmyo_event_get_emg(libmyo_event_t event, unsigned int sensor);

/// Return type for event handlers.
typedef enum {
libmyo_handler_continue, ///< Continue processing events
libmyo_handler_stop, ///< Stop processing events
} libmyo_handler_result_t;

/// Callback function type to handle events as they occur from libmyo_run().
typedef libmyo_handler_result_t (*libmyo_handler_t)(void* user_data, libmyo_event_t event);

/// Process events and call the provided callback as they occur.
/// Runs for up to approximately \a duration_ms milliseconds or until a called handler returns libmyo_handler_stop.
/// @returns libmyo_success after a successful run, otherwise
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a hub is NULL
/// - libmyo_error_invalid_argument if \a handler is NULL
libmyo_result_t libmyo_run(libmyo_hub_t hub, unsigned int duration_ms, libmyo_handler_t handler, void* user_data,
libmyo_error_details_t* out_error);

/// @}

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"

#endif // MYO_LIBMYO_H

+ 32
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/libmyo/detail/visibility.h View File

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#ifdef myo_EXPORTS
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllexport))
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllimport))
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
#define LIBMYO_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))


+ 13
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/myo.hpp View File

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Thalmic Labs Inc.
// Distributed under the Myo SDK license agreement. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#pragma once

/// The namespace in which all of the %Myo C++ bindings are contained.
namespace myo {}

#include "cxx/DeviceListener.hpp"
#include "cxx/Hub.hpp"
#include "cxx/Myo.hpp"
#include "cxx/Pose.hpp"
#include "cxx/Quaternion.hpp"
#include "cxx/Vector3.hpp"

+ 26
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/Info.plist View File

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

+ 167
- 0
other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/_CodeSignature/CodeResources View File

@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

other/myo.framework/Versions/Current/myo View File

other/myo.framework/myo View File

+ 46
- 0
patchers/main.maxpat View File

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
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