Browse Source

added lochkartengenerator

Victor Giers 4 years ago
12 changed files with 1093 additions and 132 deletions
  1. BIN
  2. BIN
  3. BIN
  4. 32
  5. BIN
  6. 631
  7. BIN
  8. 15
  9. 47
  10. 1
  11. 53
  12. 314

qubeenee.bin View File

qubeenee.bin.xz View File

qubeenee.blend View File

+ 32
- 17
qubeenee.css View File

@@ -1,33 +1,48 @@
body {
margin: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0px;
overflow: hidden;

#container {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

#lochkarte {
position: absolute;
top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; left: 0;

.dot {
height: 35px;
width: 35px;
padding: 7px;
margin: 7px;
background-color: #bbb;
border-radius: 50%;
display: inline-block;

div#fullscreen_button {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
cursor: pointer;
background-size: 100% 100%;
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
cursor: pointer;
background-size: 100% 100%;
display: none;

.fullscreen-open {
background-image: url('media/fullscreen-open.png');
background-image: url('media/fullscreen-open.png');

.fullscreen-close {
background-image: url('media/fullscreen-close.png');
background-image: url('media/fullscreen-close.png');

/* removes tap blinking on ios devices */

qubeenee.glb View File

+ 631
- 72
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

qubeenee.gltf.xz View File

+ 15
- 7
qubeenee.html View File

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- __V3D_PUZZLES__ - enable Puzzles button in the App Manager -->
<!-- __V3D_TEMPLATE__ - template-based file; delete this line to prevent this file from being updated -->
<html lang="en">
@@ -30,15 +29,24 @@
<meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">

<meta http-equiv="origin-trial" content="Aop1aS3O0LG/MKmDbfhMRdlXGxB1ETrJJScdLSaYLDCMJI5iOLQ0uwhBObewdZKbpu00Y+9f7YC5tALasZ7BOg0AAABoeyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3NvZnQ4c29mdC5jb206NDQzIiwiZmVhdHVyZSI6IldlYlhSRGV2aWNlTTY5IiwiZXhwaXJ5IjoxNTUxODMwMzk5LCJpc1N1YmRvbWFpbiI6dHJ1ZX0=">
<script src="v3d.js"></script>
<script src="qubeenee.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="qubeenee.css">
<script src="v3d.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="qubeenee.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="qubeenee.css">

<div id="container"></div>

<div id="lochkarte">
<div id="container">

<div id="fullscreen_button" class="fullscreen-open" title="Toggle fullscreen mode"></div>

+ 47
- 18
qubeenee.js View File

@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
'use strict';

/* __V3D_TEMPLATE__ - template-based file; delete this line to prevent this file from being updated */

window.addEventListener('load', function() {

(function() {
@@ -166,30 +164,61 @@ function initFullScreen() {

function prepareExternalInterface(app) {

app.ExternalInterface.HSVtoRGB = function(h, s, v) {
var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
i = Math.floor(h * 6);
f = h * 6 - i;
p = v * (1 - s);
q = v * (1 - f * s);
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
switch (i % 6) {
case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
app.ExternalInterface.setRGB(r, g, b);
var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
i = Math.floor(h * 6);
f = h * 6 - i;
p = v * (1 - s);
q = v * (1 - f * s);
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
switch (i % 6) {
case 0: r = v, g = t, b = p; break;
case 1: r = q, g = v, b = p; break;
case 2: r = p, g = v, b = t; break;
case 3: r = p, g = q, b = v; break;
case 4: r = t, g = p, b = v; break;
case 5: r = v, g = p, b = q; break;
app.ExternalInterface.setRGB(r, g, b);

let bid = 0;
let qid = 0;
app.ExternalInterface.addBit = function(state) {
$("#lochkarte").append("<span class='dot' id='b"+ bid +"'></span>");
$("#b" + bid).css("background-color","rgb("+255*state+", "+255*state+", "+255*state+")")

app.ExternalInterface.addQubit = function(stateR, stateG, stateB) {
$("#lochkarte").append("<span class='dot' id='q"+ qid +"'></span>");
$("#q" + qid).css("background-color","rgb("+255*stateR+", "+255*stateG+", "+255*stateB+")")


app.ExternalInterface.setDivWidth = function(d) {
$( "#lochkarte" ).width = d;

function reportWindowSize() {;

window.onresize = reportWindowSize;

function runCode(app) {
// add your code here, e.g. console.log('Hello, World!');
//window.onresize = app.ExternalInterface.setDivWidth;


+ 1
- 1
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 53
- 6
visual_logic.js View File

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Generated by Verge3D Puzzles v.2.12.5
* Sat Jun 08 2019 04:01:26 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit)
* Sat Jun 08 2019 17:55:33 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit)
* Do not edit this file - your changes may get overridden when Puzzles are saved.
* Refer to
* for information on how to add your own JavaScript to Verge3D apps.
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ initOptions = initOptions || {};
if ('fadeAnnotations' in initOptions) {
_pGlob.fadeAnnotations = initOptions.fadeAnnotations;
var distZ, r, g, b, distY, dragging, distX, inboundStepper, r_, maxDist, bitState, stepY, hue, g_, sat, b_, value;
var distZ, r, g, b, distY, dragging, distX, inboundStepper, r_, maxDist, bitstate, recordqubitstate, recordbitstate, g_, stepY, hue, b_, sat, value;

// utility function envoked by almost all V3D-specific puzzles
@@ -733,6 +733,13 @@ function registerOnDrag(objNames, callback_start, callback_move, callback_drop,

function rs() {
console.log('I\'m here!!!');
getJSFunction('setDivWidth')(String(getDistanceBetweenObjects("div-left", "div-right")));
appInstance.ExternalInterface["rs"] = rs;

// getObjectMaterial puzzle
function getObjectMaterial(objNames) {
@@ -802,6 +809,13 @@ function registerOnClick(objNames, cbDo, cbIfMissedDo) {

// setInterval puzzle
function registerInterval(timeout, callback) {
window.setInterval(callback, 1000 * timeout);

function matGetColors(matName) {

var mat = v3d.SceneUtils.getMaterialByName(appInstance, matName);
@@ -932,7 +946,7 @@ function toNumber(num, prec) {
* Describe this function...
function printStates() {
console.log(['Bit [',bitState,'] Qubit: [',toNumber(r_, 3),'] [',toNumber(g_, 3),'] [',toNumber(b_, 3),']'].join(''));
console.log(['Bit [',bitstate,'] Qubit: [',toNumber(r_, 3),'] [',toNumber(g_, 3),'] [',toNumber(b_, 3),']'].join(''));

@@ -941,7 +955,7 @@ distY = getObjTransform("qubit", "position", "z") - getObjTransform("qubit_contr
distX = getObjTransform("qubit", "position", "x") - getObjTransform("qubit_controller", "position", "x");
maxDist = 2.3;
stepY = 0.1;
bitState = 0;
bitstate = 0;
r_ = 0;
g_ = 0;
b_ = 0;
@@ -973,14 +987,47 @@ registerOnDrag(["GROUP", "qubit_grp"], function() {
registerOnClick("bit", function() {
if (getObjectMaterial("bit") == "white") {
assignMat("bit", "black");
bitState = 0;
bitstate = 0;
} else {
assignMat("bit", "white");
bitState = 1;
bitstate = 1;
}, function() {});

registerOnClick("recordqubit", function() {
if (getObjectMaterial("recordqubit") == "on") {
assignMat("recordqubit", "black");
recordqubitstate = 0;
} else {
assignMat("recordqubit", "on");
recordqubitstate = 1;
}, function() {});

registerOnClick("recordbit", function() {
if (getObjectMaterial("recordbit") == "on") {
assignMat("recordbit", "black");
recordbitstate = 0;
} else {
assignMat("recordbit", "on");
recordbitstate = 1;
}, function() {});

registerInterval(1, function() {
if (recordbitstate == 1) {
if (recordqubitstate == 1) {
getJSFunction('addQubit')(r_, g_, b_);



eventHTMLElem('wheel', ["DOCUMENT"], false, function(event) {
if (getEventProperty('deltaY', event) < 0) {
applyObjLocalTransform("qubit_controller", "position", 0, stepY, 0);

+ 314
- 11
visual_logic.xml View File

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<xml xmlns="">
<tab name="Init" type="InitTab" active="false" scrollx="201.48344373616317" scrolly="246.25754234419952" scale="0.7462349768006044">
<tab name="Init" type="InitTab" active="false" scrollx="201.4834437361635" scrolly="246.25754234419952" scale="0.7462349768006044">
<variable type="" id=";D?T^;K0%2HHlr__^(^G">cinitx</variable>
<variable type="" id="A70x?DA^cBEdQM}CSBbn">cinity</variable>
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<tab name="Main" type="MainTab" active="true" scrollx="274.3921508789062" scrolly="114.03294754028332" scale="0.4800918543492923">
<tab name="Main" type="MainTab" active="true" scrollx="-113.62881469726551" scrolly="91.53881072998047" scale="0.6841615272489737">
<variable type="" id="JjHAX,fgz)6.fPl8`pav">distZ</variable>
<variable type="" id="OZm(1S+UK~jxq[i=;gvy">r</variable>
@@ -52,12 +52,14 @@
<variable type="" id="y`}^nMMYi2(=a@$1Rji}">inboundStepper</variable>
<variable type="" id="R^!o,`,R1kG4gy[5$Umr">r_</variable>
<variable type="" id="2Zu0]gb$+5H;Luc?anOJ">maxDist</variable>
<variable type="" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO">bitState</variable>
<variable type="" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO">bitstate</variable>
<variable type="" id=";2#~%D)|8Bx;*UKl_i;X">recordqubitstate</variable>
<variable type="" id="{uv)e`R|4v.*a0z+kFHL">recordbitstate</variable>
<variable type="" id="R@[s;p*6^1oQOeV.nM5w">g_</variable>
<variable type="" id="GKERIN}`~rk0$MWnY3aS">stepY</variable>
<variable type="" id="S`ib|8a9}oYR22qe`UUI">hue</variable>
<variable type="" id="R@[s;p*6^1oQOeV.nM5w">g_</variable>
<variable type="" id="YfcA/U/M4Db,!/u8lx*r">sat</variable>
<variable type="" id="W7{,OY@Y_QTKJ!C2%fx(">b_</variable>
<variable type="" id="YfcA/U/M4Db,!/u8lx*r">sat</variable>
<variable type="" id="rAlwiT?%pA#CG+i+x-1G">value</variable>
<block type="variables_set" id="`dwC`Z,Jf0#0u/hYw%ew" x="-210" y="-690">
@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@
<block type="variables_set" id="(bid[#n`8W,l[gWAL*^B">
<field name="VAR" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO" variabletype="">bitState</field>
<field name="VAR" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO" variabletype="">bitstate</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="math_number" id="K6x_`7.zPae3n_QLR]i-">
<field name="NUM">0</field>
@@ -251,6 +253,19 @@
<block type="bindHTMLObject" id="9!xyRzrc}9d.;y%8d[?e" disabled="true" x="770" y="-350">
<field name="PARENT">TRUE</field>
<value name="ID">
<block type="text" id="yVuZW6Vin0:%$-D|ncbl">
<field name="TEXT">lochkarte</field>
<value name="OBJECTINPUT">
<block type="objectList" id="vM[NJTc,Sj8{q(1pGMP[">
<field name="FIELDNAME">div-left</field>
<block type="whenDraggedOver" id="x7;j`9Tr6$fIW]tXfLwm" x="-230" y="-290">
<mutation do_start="true" do_drop="true"></mutation>
<value name="VALUE">
@@ -771,7 +786,46 @@
<block type="whenClicked" id="VqdFSAMNy2s9dV;DeF8R" x="890" y="30">
<block type="externalCall" id="W?ejqfSp?_Y4W^E{QY|/" x="1110" y="-170">
<field name="NAME">rs</field>
<statement name="STACK">
<block type="console.log" id="pYKj(442ZYF3FUCZ^J$b">
<value name="VALUE">
<shadow type="text" id="2WYz++OSo6^Qz)|Df]nV">
<field name="TEXT">I'm here!!!</field>
<block type="callJSFunction" id="Tc1Ya}N`$+9P=mFTO]0Q">
<mutation name="setDivWidth">
<arg name="x"></arg>
<field name="NAME">setDivWidth</field>
<value name="ARG0">
<block type="text_join" id="i)!sJ~g{`,qXm/:zC|pD">
<mutation items="1"></mutation>
<value name="ADD0">
<block type="distanceBetweenObjects" id="oxIsA5jogB+Bhx0NVHr@">
<value name="OBJECT1">
<block type="objectList" id="#nRZj4c$e?1yzojXxxUp">
<field name="FIELDNAME">div-left</field>
<value name="OBJECT2">
<block type="objectList" id="T0DS,Gu;mIM@*-=fzJ8,">
<field name="FIELDNAME">div-right</field>
<block type="whenClicked" id="VqdFSAMNy2s9dV;DeF8R" x="890" y="10">
<mutation enableifmissed="false"></mutation>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="objectList" id="PH*#jp%0:0P`YjJL[ku%">
@@ -814,7 +868,7 @@
<block type="variables_set" id="MTnVQr]WeOc8_7W9Qs{a">
<field name="VAR" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO" variabletype="">bitState</field>
<field name="VAR" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO" variabletype="">bitstate</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="math_number" id="rM8Wc)y]{c$^Mf+hN9^9">
<field name="NUM">0</field>
@@ -838,7 +892,7 @@
<block type="variables_set" id="Z?-)K)YG50^+:[x}12o$">
<field name="VAR" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO" variabletype="">bitState</field>
<field name="VAR" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO" variabletype="">bitstate</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="math_number" id="Txg:@f6`-QuMueETEp:,">
<field name="NUM">1</field>
@@ -856,6 +910,255 @@
<block type="whenClicked" id="c4FYX]Inh`#-sjA`(f4V" x="1810" y="-10">
<mutation enableifmissed="false"></mutation>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="objectList" id="bsXie5wj6SJ{1UO[@Ti0">
<field name="FIELDNAME">recordqubit</field>
<statement name="DO">
<block type="controls_if" id=",og{XXko#pgOA:c8ixfN">
<mutation else="1"></mutation>
<value name="IF0">
<block type="logic_compare" id="T!G@rc4D7Xd|D!gfHi4B">
<field name="OP">EQ</field>
<value name="A">
<block type="getObjectMaterial" id="kc6@F_q;=hJZg8ceH=E^">
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="objectList" id="@k)wrAJw7F1LRgbh15:9">
<field name="FIELDNAME">recordqubit</field>
<value name="B">
<block type="materialList" id="j=$Ys;Wx^cFj3pxYXaY`">
<field name="FIELDNAME">on</field>
<statement name="DO0">
<block type="assignMaterial" id="q8$6Clmfwb$tqqvQ$9+@">
<value name="VALUE2">
<block type="materialList" id="y)@qk)8;U7$SeHu@$jc(">
<field name="FIELDNAME">black</field>
<value name="VALUE1">
<block type="objectList" id="FFInsU#^P6NkhiFhQlMZ">
<field name="FIELDNAME">recordqubit</field>
<block type="variables_set" id="1$a^$EEjon7(%{3,+$%5">
<field name="VAR" id=";2#~%D)|8Bx;*UKl_i;X" variabletype="">recordqubitstate</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="math_number" id="QFbQsj=9dk(jliQ.$r#}">
<field name="NUM">0</field>
<statement name="ELSE">
<block type="assignMaterial" id=")V+R26uKzzAm97Ldnq^8">
<value name="VALUE2">
<block type="materialList" id="$yUv/w@Rnc.@:(w*0NnH">
<field name="FIELDNAME">on</field>
<value name="VALUE1">
<block type="objectList" id="+i0Dzb5=|xeL2eD-Gr@n">
<field name="FIELDNAME">recordqubit</field>
<block type="variables_set" id="CF2dEw8EkumZ03}D6{LW">
<field name="VAR" id=";2#~%D)|8Bx;*UKl_i;X" variabletype="">recordqubitstate</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="math_number" id=")W[;2qF`hF?$^R=PGVJR">
<field name="NUM">1</field>
<block type="whenClicked" id=",K9aNvARk)E/hrdDD[z4" x="1270" y="230">
<mutation enableifmissed="false"></mutation>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="objectList" id="^TCV7NVje3z`,Xr{,Rzx">
<field name="FIELDNAME">recordbit</field>
<statement name="DO">
<block type="controls_if" id="aRE)~4We]n~W-y6dgVQ=">
<mutation else="1"></mutation>
<value name="IF0">
<block type="logic_compare" id="qY+QrD=Qiw)g,+V2@Ov0">
<field name="OP">EQ</field>
<value name="A">
<block type="getObjectMaterial" id="5z2efN$X$|$gbouU)-cY">
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="objectList" id="a#p`e;PVG(#R6_|I:sq-">
<field name="FIELDNAME">recordbit</field>
<value name="B">
<block type="materialList" id="|M`6u5)t7Tg./g;0WtIU">
<field name="FIELDNAME">on</field>
<statement name="DO0">
<block type="assignMaterial" id="Sjsdz!*{UX?$:F;~lXr(">
<value name="VALUE2">
<block type="materialList" id="CvMdE|,_7^iG(=06=fe/">
<field name="FIELDNAME">black</field>
<value name="VALUE1">
<block type="objectList" id="qG[PS^1po:p#~clI_deM">
<field name="FIELDNAME">recordbit</field>
<block type="variables_set" id="h7L[s9:5$UnsmAqJjYT%">
<field name="VAR" id="{uv)e`R|4v.*a0z+kFHL" variabletype="">recordbitstate</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="math_number" id="bDjGDv](?Mn/FL];@wnW">
<field name="NUM">0</field>
<statement name="ELSE">
<block type="assignMaterial" id="T*~FmcuT#4j=qrl4:MrA">
<value name="VALUE2">
<block type="materialList" id="2s%hE%phs1|eavVkt0GS">
<field name="FIELDNAME">on</field>
<value name="VALUE1">
<block type="objectList" id="Ki._fvz1-#]3}JnExZpc">
<field name="FIELDNAME">recordbit</field>
<block type="variables_set" id="42}zXIBwbRR4PI:tE:.g">
<field name="VAR" id="{uv)e`R|4v.*a0z+kFHL" variabletype="">recordbitstate</field>
<value name="VALUE">
<block type="math_number" id="Zp-2?zDx%rH]$ATs}fV+">
<field name="NUM">1</field>
<block type="setInterval" id="q2(c$](o,X?7XyLKeLrT" x="290" y="390">
<value name="VALUE">
<shadow type="math_number" id="E%*$s`^w?p#ARgT)=2?[">
<field name="NUM">1</field>
<statement name="DO">
<block type="controls_if" id="[+k^]8d?$;.,J4[ha65Y">
<value name="IF0">
<block type="logic_compare" id="Z09VMcd:|_xe1pGk1iEr">
<field name="OP">EQ</field>
<value name="A">
<block type="variables_get" id="g)^y*j$tF;qhjL]=zUbv">
<field name="VAR" id="{uv)e`R|4v.*a0z+kFHL" variabletype="">recordbitstate</field>
<value name="B">
<block type="math_number" id="9U^sV_xYH:A1Q-er$f96">
<field name="NUM">1</field>
<statement name="DO0">
<block type="callJSFunction" id="^Beo2gOEMk(PU186#-iW">
<mutation name="addBit">
<arg name="bitstate"></arg>
<field name="NAME">addBit</field>
<value name="ARG0">
<block type="variables_get" id="y;#4JeBh_uNb++@iG8.l">
<field name="VAR" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO" variabletype="">bitstate</field>
<block type="controls_if" id=";AG7k[.VfCwG@|+ht/n~">
<value name="IF0">
<block type="logic_compare" id="v*g#m0$E!],_al(r3v[t">
<field name="OP">EQ</field>
<value name="A">
<block type="variables_get" id="HK_tYmL~uW^I:cnlDOvP">
<field name="VAR" id=";2#~%D)|8Bx;*UKl_i;X" variabletype="">recordqubitstate</field>
<value name="B">
<block type="math_number" id="vrUZ5iHh%kwqQ}8@1qmm">
<field name="NUM">1</field>
<statement name="DO0">
<block type="callJSFunction" id="_3e_NUTvl|JV~Z6y-!PH">
<mutation name="addQubit">
<arg name="qubitstateR"></arg>
<arg name="qubitstateG"></arg>
<arg name="qubitstateB"></arg>
<field name="NAME">addQubit</field>
<value name="ARG0">
<block type="variables_get" id="x,[;`5{QV6%lyY:#H-7C">
<field name="VAR" id="R^!o,`,R1kG4gy[5$Umr" variabletype="">r_</field>
<value name="ARG1">
<block type="variables_get" id="jFM_erly,h$m)[]P@?Qh">
<field name="VAR" id="R@[s;p*6^1oQOeV.nM5w" variabletype="">g_</field>
<value name="ARG2">
<block type="variables_get" id="+5(,zR,4feF;3Y2P^~iX">
<field name="VAR" id="W7{,OY@Y_QTKJ!C2%fx(" variabletype="">b_</field>
<block type="procedures_callnoreturn" id="ar)*._jF`jU0FIa0,lnB" x="1910" y="370">
<mutation name="printStates"></mutation>
<block type="procedures_callnoreturn" id="P3M5!lU.j3{HXbl3:BM7" x="2030" y="430">
<mutation name="printStates"></mutation>
<block type="externalCall" id="Vpc9v!mZHQ0;V(+:ON#u" x="750" y="510">
<arg name="r" varid="OZm(1S+UK~jxq[i=;gvy"></arg>
@@ -1443,7 +1746,7 @@
<value name="ADD1">
<block type="variables_get" id="!F$.sJg@KwTKrQ@Q3)~l">
<field name="VAR" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO" variabletype="">bitState</field>
<field name="VAR" id="~%UHnBD.$/u9=5~G/:mO" variabletype="">bitstate</field>
<value name="ADD2">
@@ -1514,5 +1817,5 @@
<editorsettings width="1018" height="511"></editorsettings>
<editorsettings width="1704" height="684"></editorsettings>
