Button to save the earth with
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save-the-earth.js 1.2KB

  1. var img, imgMask;
  2. var earthVideo;
  3. var levelSound;
  4. var continueBut;
  5. var frameSize;
  6. var label = "Click to save the earth.";
  7. var f = 0;
  8. var bg = 0;
  9. var nullifyFill = 1;
  10. var rotator = 0;
  11. var clicked = false;
  12. function preload() {
  13. levelSound = loadSound('sound.ogg');
  14. img = loadImage('Golden-Round-Frame-PNG.png');
  15. imgMask = loadImage('mask.png');
  16. earthVideo = createVideo(['video.webm']);
  17. }
  18. function mouseClicked() {
  19. if(!clicked){
  20. clicked = true;
  21. levelSound.play();
  22. label = "Earth saved.";
  23. earthVideo.loop();
  24. }
  25. }
  26. function setup() {
  27. frameSize = min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
  28. //createCanvas(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight);
  29. createCanvas(frameSize,frameSize);
  30. frameRate(30);
  31. textSize(frameSize/14);
  32. textStyle(BOLD);
  33. textAlign(CENTER);
  34. imageMode(CENTER);
  35. stroke(77);
  36. strokeWeight(1);
  37. earthVideo.hide();
  38. earthVideo.loop();
  39. }
  40. function draw() {
  41. clear();
  42. earthVideo.mask(imgMask);
  43. image(earthVideo,frameSize/2,frameSize/2,frameSize/1.777,frameSize/1.777);
  44. if(clicked){
  45. push();
  46. translate(frameSize/2,frameSize/2);
  47. rotate(rotator);
  48. image(img,0,0,frameSize,frameSize);
  49. pop()
  50. fill(250,230,80);
  51. rotator+=0.01;
  52. } else {
  53. fill(255);
  54. }
  55. text(label, frameSize/2,frameSize/2);
  56. }