Utilizes Blender (headless) and Processing to generate images (3D and 2D renderings) for the webshop
Ви не можете вибрати більше 25 тем Теми мають розпочинатися з літери або цифри, можуть містити дефіси (-) і не повинні перевищувати 35 символів.

  1. import java.io.IOException;
  2. import java.awt.*;
  3. import drop.*;
  4. import controlP5.*;
  5. SDrop drop;
  6. ControlP5 cp5;
  7. //SecondApplet gui;
  8. boolean passepartout, detail, framed, livingroom, bedroom;
  9. PGraphics renderer;
  10. PImage img, pacman;
  11. int maxImgLength = 900;
  12. String widthInput, heightInput;
  13. boolean imageLoaded, measuresKnown, detailAreaSet;
  14. String foldername, imagePath;
  15. void resetAll() {
  16. imageLoaded = false;
  17. measuresKnown = false;
  18. detailAreaSet = false;
  19. foldername = "";
  20. imagePath = "";
  21. }
  22. void dropEvent(DropEvent theDropEvent) {
  23. imagePath = theDropEvent.filePath();
  24. img = loadImage(imagePath);
  25. imgw = img.width >= img.height ? maxImgLength : (int)map(img.width, 0, img.height, 0, maxImgLength);
  26. imgh = img.height >= img.width ? maxImgLength : (int)map(img.height, 0, img.width, 0, maxImgLength);
  27. foldername = day() + "." + month() + "." + year() + " " + hour() + "-" + minute() + "-" + second();
  28. measuresKnown = false;
  29. widthInput = "";
  30. heightInput = "";
  31. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "width").show();
  32. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "height").show();
  33. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "width").setFocus(true);
  34. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "passepartout").show();
  35. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "detail").show();
  36. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "framed").show();
  37. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "livingroom").show();
  38. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "bedroom").show();
  39. imageLoaded = true;
  40. }
  41. void settings() {
  42. size(200, 200);
  43. }
  44. void setup() {
  45. //size(200, 200);
  46. OS = osSetup();
  47. println(OS);
  48. renderer = createGraphics(1024, 1024);
  49. detailGraphic = createGraphics(1024, 1024);
  50. pacman = loadImage(dataPath("pacman.png"));
  51. textSize(30);
  52. drop = new SDrop(this);
  53. cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
  54. Textfield wInput = cp5.addTextfield("width")
  55. .setPosition(20, 50)
  56. .setColorValue(color(0, 0, 0))
  57. .setColorBackground(color(200, 200, 200))
  58. .setSize(70, 30)
  59. .setFocus(true);
  60. wInput.getCaptionLabel().setColor(color(0, 0, 0));
  61. Textfield hInput = cp5.addTextfield("height")
  62. .setPosition(110, 50)
  63. .setColorValue(color(0, 0, 0))
  64. .setColorBackground(color(200, 200, 200))
  65. .setSize(70, 30);
  66. hInput.getCaptionLabel().setColor(color(0, 0, 0));
  67. Toggle renderPassepartout = cp5.addToggle("passepartout")
  68. .setColorValue(color(0, 0, 0))
  69. .setColorBackground(color(200, 200, 200))
  70. .setSize(20, 20)
  71. .setPosition(10, 110);
  72. renderPassepartout.getCaptionLabel().setColor(color(0, 0, 0));
  73. Toggle renderDetail = cp5.addToggle("detail")
  74. .setColorValue(color(0, 0, 0))
  75. .setColorBackground(color(200, 200, 200))
  76. .setSize(20, 20)
  77. .setPosition(45, 120);
  78. renderDetail.getCaptionLabel().setColor(color(0, 0, 0));
  79. Toggle renderPictureOnly = cp5.addToggle("framed")
  80. .setColorValue(color(0, 0, 0))
  81. .setColorBackground(color(200, 200, 200))
  82. .setSize(20, 20)
  83. .setPosition(80, 130);
  84. renderPictureOnly.getCaptionLabel().setColor(color(0, 0, 0));
  85. Toggle renderLivingroom = cp5.addToggle("livingroom")
  86. .setColorValue(color(0, 0, 0))
  87. .setColorBackground(color(200, 200, 200))
  88. .setSize(20, 20)
  89. .setPosition(115, 140);
  90. renderLivingroom.getCaptionLabel().setColor(color(0, 0, 0));
  91. Toggle renderBedroom = cp5.addToggle("bedroom")
  92. .setColorValue(color(0, 0, 0))
  93. .setColorBackground(color(200, 200, 200))
  94. .setSize(20, 20)
  95. .setPosition(150, 150);
  96. renderBedroom.getCaptionLabel().setColor(color(0, 0, 0));
  97. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "width").hide();
  98. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "height").hide();
  99. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "passepartout").hide();
  100. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "detail").hide();
  101. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "framed").hide();
  102. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "livingroom").hide();
  103. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "bedroom").hide();
  104. }
  105. int imgw, imgh;
  106. void draw() {
  107. background(255);
  108. if (imageLoaded && !measuresKnown) {
  109. text("SAG MAßE", 20, 30);
  110. widthInput = cp5.get(Textfield.class, "width").getText();
  111. heightInput = cp5.get(Textfield.class, "height").getText();
  112. } else if (imageLoaded && measuresKnown) {
  113. println();
  114. renderer.noSmooth();
  115. renderer.beginDraw();
  116. renderer.imageMode(CENTER);
  117. //renderer.clear();
  118. renderer.background(255);
  119. renderer.image(img, renderer.width/2, renderer.height/2, imgw, imgh);
  120. renderer.endDraw();
  121. image(renderer, 0, 0, width, height);
  122. if (!detailAreaSet && detail) {
  123. noFill();
  124. stroke(255, 0, 0);
  125. strokeWeight(2);
  126. rect(mouseX-detailAreaSize/5/2, mouseY-detailAreaSize/5/2, detailAreaSize/5, detailAreaSize/5);
  127. fill(0);
  128. noStroke();
  129. text("ZEIG DETAIL", 20, 30);
  130. }
  131. if (renderNow) {
  132. renderNow = false;
  133. if (passepartout || detail || framed || livingroom || bedroom) {
  134. createOutput(dataPath("") + "/" + foldername + "/.");
  135. openRenderFolder();
  136. }
  137. if (imageLoaded) {
  138. if (passepartout) {
  139. println("Saving passepartout image");
  140. renderer.save(dataPath("") + "/" + foldername + "/passepartout.png");
  141. }
  142. if (measuresKnown) {
  143. if (detail) {
  144. println("Saving detail image");
  145. detailGraphic.noSmooth();
  146. detailGraphic.beginDraw();
  147. detailGraphic.image(temp, 0, 0, detailGraphic.width, detailGraphic.height);
  148. detailGraphic.save(dataPath("") + "/" + foldername + "/detail.png");
  149. detailGraphic.endDraw();
  150. }
  151. if (framed) {
  152. println("Rendering framed image in blender (picture only)");
  153. String pictureonlycmd[] = {"blender -b \"" + dataPath("") + "/HEADLESS_PICTUREONLY.blend\" --python \"" + dataPath("") + "/render_pictureonly.py\" -- " + widthInput + " " + heightInput + " \"" + imagePath + "\" \"" + dataPath("") + "/" + foldername + "/pictureonly.png\""};
  154. if (OS == "mac") {
  155. saveStrings(dataPath("") + "/pictureonly.command", pictureonlycmd);
  156. launch(dataPath("") + "/pictureonly.command");
  157. } else if (OS == "windows") {
  158. saveStrings(dataPath("") + "/pictureonly.cmd", pictureonlycmd);
  159. launch(dataPath("") + "/pictureonly.cmd");
  160. }
  161. }
  162. if (bedroom) {
  163. println("Rendering framed image in blender (bedroom)");
  164. String bedroomcmd[] = {"blender -b \"" + dataPath("") + "/HEADLESS_BEDROOM.blend\" --python \"" + dataPath("") + "/render.py\" -- " + widthInput + " " + heightInput + " \"" + imagePath + "\" \"" + dataPath("") + "/" + foldername + "/bedroom.png\""};
  165. if (OS == "mac") {
  166. saveStrings(dataPath("") + "/bedroom.command", bedroomcmd);
  167. launch(dataPath("") + "/bedroom.command");
  168. } else if (OS == "windows") {
  169. saveStrings(dataPath("") + "/bedroom.cmd", bedroomcmd);
  170. launch(dataPath("") + "/bedroom.cmd");
  171. }
  172. }
  173. if (livingroom) {
  174. println("Rendering framed image in blender (livingroom)");
  175. String livingroomcmd[] = {"blender -b \"" + dataPath("") + "/HEADLESS_LIVINGROOM.blend\" --python \"" + dataPath("") + "/render.py\" -- " + widthInput + " " + heightInput + " \"" + imagePath + "\" \"" + dataPath("") + "/" + foldername + "/livingroom.png\""};
  176. if (OS == "mac") {
  177. saveStrings(dataPath("") + "/livingroom.command", livingroomcmd);
  178. launch(dataPath("") + "/livingroom.command");
  179. } else if (OS == "windows") {
  180. saveStrings(dataPath("") + "/livingroom.cmd", livingroomcmd);
  181. launch(dataPath("") + "/livingroom.cmd");
  182. }
  183. }
  184. }
  185. }
  186. println("done");
  187. resetAll();
  188. }
  189. } else {
  190. image(pacman, 0, 0, width, height);
  191. fill(0);
  192. text("GIB BILD", 20, 30);
  193. }
  194. }
  195. int detailAreaSize = 256;
  196. int detailAreaX, detailAreaY;
  197. int imgClickX, imgClickY, imgBiggerFactor, imgDetailSize;
  198. PImage temp;
  199. PGraphics detailGraphic;
  200. void setDetailArea() {
  201. detailAreaSet = true;
  202. println("rendering detailed view");
  203. imgClickX = (int)map(map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 1024), 512-imgw/2, 512+imgw/2, 0, img.width);
  204. imgClickY = (int)map(map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 1024), 512-imgh/2, 512+imgh/2, 0, img.height);
  205. imgBiggerFactor = max(img.width, img.height)/max(imgw, imgh);
  206. imgDetailSize = detailAreaSize * imgBiggerFactor;
  207. temp = img.get(imgClickX - imgDetailSize/2, imgClickY - imgDetailSize/2, imgDetailSize, imgDetailSize);
  208. }
  209. String OS;
  210. void mouseClicked() {
  211. if (mouseButton == LEFT && imageLoaded && measuresKnown && !detailAreaSet && detail) {
  212. setDetailArea();
  213. renderNow = true;
  214. }
  215. }
  216. boolean renderNow;
  217. void openRenderFolder() {
  218. String folderpath = sketchPath("") + "data/" + foldername + "/";
  219. Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();
  220. File dirToOpen = null;
  221. try {
  222. dirToOpen = new File(folderpath);
  223. desktop.open(dirToOpen);
  224. }
  225. catch (IOException iae) {
  226. System.out.println("File Not Found");
  227. }
  228. }
  229. String osSetup () {
  230. String os = System.getProperty("os.name");
  231. if (os.contains("Windows")) {
  232. return "windows";
  233. } else if (os.contains("Mac")) {
  234. return "mac";
  235. } else if (os.contains("Linux")) {
  236. return "linux";
  237. } else {
  238. return "other";
  239. }
  240. }
  241. boolean focusHeight;
  242. void keyPressed() {
  243. if (key == ENTER) {
  244. println(widthInput, heightInput);
  245. if (imageLoaded && !measuresKnown && widthInput != "" && heightInput != "") {
  246. if (int(widthInput) < 10 || int(heightInput) < 10 || int(widthInput) > 120 || int(heightInput) > 120) {
  247. println("Nope");
  248. } else {
  249. measuresKnown = true;
  250. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "width").hide();
  251. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "height").hide();
  252. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "passepartout").hide();
  253. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "detail").hide();
  254. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "framed").hide();
  255. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "livingroom").hide();
  256. cp5.get(Toggle.class, "bedroom").hide();
  257. if (!detail) {
  258. renderNow = true;
  259. }
  260. }
  261. }
  262. }
  263. if (key == TAB) {
  264. if (!measuresKnown && imageLoaded) {
  265. if (!focusHeight) {
  266. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "height").setFocus(true);
  267. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "width").setFocus(false);
  268. } else {
  269. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "height").setFocus(false);
  270. cp5.get(Textfield.class, "width").setFocus(true);
  271. }
  272. focusHeight = !focusHeight;
  273. }
  274. }
  275. }
  276. //working: blender -b "HEADLESS.blend" --python "render.py" -- 80 80 "/Users/giers/Documents/Render Image for Webshop/55.png" "/Users/giers/Documents/Render Image for Webshop/"