Betriebssystem mit deprimierender Wirkung (REUPLOAD der Repo von 2018)
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packages.x86_64 645B

3 years ago
  1. dbus-glib
  2. alsa-utils
  3. pyxdg
  4. gxmessage
  5. grep
  6. openbox
  7. wget
  8. sudo
  9. xorg-apps
  10. xorg-server
  11. xorg-xinit
  12. dhcpcd
  13. ffmpeg
  14. flac
  15. gst-plugins-base-libs
  16. gstreamer
  17. iputils
  18. iproute2
  19. gtk3
  20. icu
  21. libpulse
  22. libvpx
  23. libxt
  24. mime-types
  25. mozilla-common
  26. nss
  27. sqlite
  28. startup-notification
  29. libnotify
  30. pulseaudio
  31. gnupg
  32. pygtk
  33. python-gnupg
  34. openssh
  35. arch-install-scripts
  36. b43-fwcutter
  37. broadcom-wl
  38. crda
  39. darkhttpd
  40. dhclient
  41. dialog
  42. dmraid
  43. dnsmasq
  44. dnsutils
  45. elinks
  46. ethtool
  47. exfat-utils
  48. f2fs-tools
  49. gnu-netcat
  50. gpm
  51. grml-zsh-config
  52. grub
  53. hdparm
  54. ipw2100-fw
  55. ipw2200-fw
  56. linux-atm
  57. lsscsi
  58. mtools
  59. ndisc6
  60. nmap
  61. ntp
  62. refind-efi
  63. sg3_utils
  64. sudo
  65. tcpdump
  66. usb_modeswitch
  67. wget
  68. wireless-regdb
  69. wireless_tools
  70. wpa_actiond