Python script to create sky image maps in rectangular format from such in equirectangular format, Blender setup to render equirectangular image maps.
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  1. from __future__ import print_function
  2. import sys
  3. import os.path
  4. from PIL import Image
  5. from math import pi,sin,cos,tan,atan2,hypot,floor
  6. from numpy import clip
  7. # get x,y,z coords from out image pixels coords
  8. # i,j are pixel coords
  9. # face is face number
  10. # edge is edge length
  11. def outImgToXYZ(i,j,face,edge):
  12. a = 2.0*float(i)/edge
  13. b = 2.0*float(j)/edge
  14. if face==0: # back
  15. (x,y,z) = (-1.0, 1.0-a, 3.0 - b)
  16. elif face==1: # left
  17. (x,y,z) = (a-3.0, -1.0, 3.0 - b)
  18. elif face==2: # front
  19. (x,y,z) = (1.0, a - 5.0, 3.0 - b)
  20. elif face==3: # right
  21. (x,y,z) = (7.0-a, 1.0, 3.0 - b)
  22. elif face==4: # top
  23. (x,y,z) = (b-1.0, a -5.0, 1.0)
  24. elif face==5: # bottom
  25. (x,y,z) = (5.0-b, a-5.0, -1.0)
  26. return (x,y,z)
  27. # convert using an inverse transformation
  28. def convertBack(imgIn,imgOut):
  29. inSize = imgIn.size
  30. outSize = imgOut.size
  31. inPix = imgIn.load()
  32. outPix = imgOut.load()
  33. edge = inSize[0]/4 # the length of each edge in pixels
  34. for i in range(outSize[0]):
  35. face = int(i/edge) # 0 - back, 1 - left 2 - front, 3 - right
  36. if face==2:
  37. rng = range(0,int(edge*3))
  38. else:
  39. rng = range(int(edge), int(edge) * 2)
  40. for j in rng:
  41. if j<edge:
  42. face2 = 4 # top
  43. elif j>=2*edge:
  44. face2 = 5 # bottom
  45. else:
  46. face2 = face
  47. (x,y,z) = outImgToXYZ(i,j,face2,edge)
  48. theta = atan2(y,x) # range -pi to pi
  49. r = hypot(x,y)
  50. phi = atan2(z,r) # range -pi/2 to pi/2
  51. # source img coords
  52. uf = ( 2.0*edge*(theta + pi)/pi )
  53. vf = ( 2.0*edge * (pi/2 - phi)/pi)
  54. # Use bilinear interpolation between the four surrounding pixels
  55. ui = floor(uf) # coord of pixel to bottom left
  56. vi = floor(vf)
  57. u2 = ui+1 # coords of pixel to top right
  58. v2 = vi+1
  59. mu = uf-ui # fraction of way across pixel
  60. nu = vf-vi
  61. # Pixel values of four corners
  62. # import sys
  63. # print('inPix ->', inPix)
  64. # print('ui ->', ui)
  65. # print('inSize[0]', inSize[0])
  66. # bar = clip(vi,0,inSize[1]-1)
  67. # print('bar ->', bar, type(bar), int(bar))
  68. # baz = ui % inSize[0]
  69. # print('baz ->', baz, type(baz))
  70. # foo = inPix[ui % inSize[0], bar]
  71. # sys.exit(-1)
  72. A = inPix[ui % inSize[0],int(clip(vi,0,inSize[1]-1))]
  73. B = inPix[u2 % inSize[0],int(clip(vi,0,inSize[1]-1))]
  74. C = inPix[ui % inSize[0],int(clip(v2,0,inSize[1]-1))]
  75. D = inPix[u2 % inSize[0],int(clip(v2,0,inSize[1]-1))]
  76. # interpolate
  77. (r,g,b) = (
  78. A[0]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[0]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[0]*(1-mu)*nu+D[0]*mu*nu,
  79. A[1]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[1]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[1]*(1-mu)*nu+D[1]*mu*nu,
  80. A[2]*(1-mu)*(1-nu) + B[2]*(mu)*(1-nu) + C[2]*(1-mu)*nu+D[2]*mu*nu )
  81. outPix[i,j] = (int(round(r)),int(round(g)),int(round(b)))
  82. imgIn =[1])
  83. inSize = imgIn.size
  84. i1 = inSize[0]
  85. imgOut ="RGB",(inSize[0],int(inSize[0]*3/4)),"black")
  86. convertBack(imgIn,imgOut)
  88. file_extension = ".jpg"
  89. name_map = [ \
  90. ["", "", "py", ""],
  91. ["nz", "nx", "pz", "px"],
  92. ["", "", "ny", ""]]
  93. try:
  94. width, height = imgOut.size
  95. cube_size = width / 4
  96. filelist = []
  97. for row in range(3):
  98. for col in range(4):
  99. if name_map[row][col] != "":
  100. sx = cube_size * col
  101. sy = cube_size * row
  102. fn = name_map[row][col] + file_extension
  103. filelist.append(fn)
  104. imgOut.crop((sx, sy, sx + cube_size, sy + cube_size)).save(fn)
  105. except IOError:
  106. pass