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fixed md syntax error

Victor Giers il y a 3 ans
1 fichiers modifiés avec 11 ajouts et 7 suppressions
  1. 11

+ 11
- 7 Voir le fichier

@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
# Collection of Bash code snippets, mostly one liners, to ease file handling among other things
Collection of notes
#### rename files to reverse order
#### rename files to reverse order

```N=1; ls -tr -1 *.jpg | tac | while read file; do mv "$file" "$N".jpg; N=$((N+1)); done```
#### rotate all images using imagemagick
```mogrify -rotate 180 *.jpg```
```mogrify``` overwrites existing images which is what makes it different from ```convert```
#### cut poly-shape out of image, crop image to its boundaries, fill surrounding holes in certain color or transparent (for all jpgs in folder)
```for f in ./*.jpg; do convert "$f" \( -clone 0 -fill black -colorize 100 -fill white -draw "polygon 3276,2421 4945,2407 4956,4708 3287,4722" \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite -trim +repage 41050648/"$f"_left.jpg; done```
#### do something inside each folder of this folder
#### rotate all images using imagemagick

```mogrify -rotate 180 *.jpg```
```mogrify``` overwrites existing images which is what makes it different from ```convert```
#### cut poly-shape out of image, crop image to its boundaries, fill surrounding holes in certain color or transparent (for all jpgs in folder)

```for f in ./*.jpg; do convert "$f" \( -clone 0 -fill black -colorize 100 -fill white -draw "polygon 3276,2421 4945,2407 4956,4708 3287,4722" \) -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite -trim +repage 41050648/"$f"_left.jpg; done```
#### do something inside each folder of this folder

for d in */; do
cd $d;
