Software für das Zusammenfassen und Projizieren auf Leinwand mehrerer Netzkunstarbeiten (REUPLOAD der Repository von ende 2019)
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stars.pde 1.7KB

  1. int rate = 7;
  2. int tickMS = rate;
  3. int previous_stars = 0;
  4. int time_stars = 0;
  5. int rate2 = 1800;
  6. int tickMS2 = rate;
  7. int previous_stars2 = 0;
  8. int time_stars2 = 0;
  9. int starRadius = 20;
  10. Star stars[] = new Star[1000];
  11. Star stars2[] = new Star[1000];
  12. void paintStars() {
  13. int current = millis();
  14. int elapsed = current - previous_stars;
  15. previous_stars = current;
  16. time_stars += elapsed;
  17. while(time_stars >= tickMS){
  18. time_stars -= tickMS;
  19. stars[(int)random(stars.length)].go();
  20. tickMS = int(random(rate/100,2*rate-(rate/100)));
  21. }
  22. if (stars.length > 0) {
  23. for (int i = stars.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
  24. if(stars[i].alive){
  25. stars[i].display();
  26. }
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }
  30. void paintStars2() {
  31. int current = millis();
  32. int elapsed = current - previous_stars2;
  33. previous_stars2 = current;
  34. time_stars2 += elapsed;
  35. while(time_stars2 >= tickMS2){
  36. time_stars2 -= tickMS2;
  37. stars2[(int)random(stars.length)].go();
  38. tickMS2 = int(random(rate2/100,2*rate2-(rate/100)));
  39. }
  40. if (stars2.length > 0) {
  41. for (int i = stars2.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
  42. if(stars2[i].alive){
  43. stars2[i].display();
  44. }
  45. }
  46. }
  47. }
  48. class Star {
  49. int x, y, init;
  50. int radius, bjitter, b;
  51. int lifetime = 3600;
  52. boolean alive;
  53. PGraphics pg;
  54. Star(PGraphics pg_) {
  55. pg = pg_;
  56. }
  57. void go(){
  58. alive = true;
  59. x = (int)random(0,270);
  60. y = (int)random(0,270);
  61. init = millis();
  62. b = 255;
  63. bjitter = (int)random(-50, 50);
  64. radius = starRadius;
  65. }
  66. void display() {
  67. b -= 10;
  68. pg.fill(255, b);
  69. pg.ellipse(x, y, radius, radius);
  70. radius -= .5;
  71. if (init + lifetime < millis()) {
  72. alive = false;
  73. }
  74. }
  75. }