/* Quick minimalistic movie player with zoom for Processing 2.2.1 Only GUI element is a timeline. Intended to use for zooming into movies to be able to see details of videos that have a higher resolution than your screen. Drag & drop a movie from your window manager into the viewport to load and play it. - Pause/play with middle mouse - Mousewheel for zooming in / out - Drag & drop the movies image with left mouse button - Save a screenshot with right mouse button victorgiers.com */ import processing.video.*; import sojamo.drop.*; Movie mov; SDrop dropimport; Timeline timeline; Viewport viewport; boolean playing; float scaleFactor, translateX, translateY; void setup() { size(1200, 800); frame.setResizable(true); scaleFactor = 1; viewport = new Viewport(); timeline = new Timeline(0, height-20, width, 20); loadMovie("katze.avi"); dropimport = new SDrop(this); } void draw() { timeline.update(); timeline.display(); viewport.update(); viewport.display(); println(scaleFactor); }