var commandLine; function setup() { createCanvas(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight); textFont("Courier New"); textSize(14); frameRate(12); loadAnimationTexts(); commandLine = new CommandLine(); } function draw() { background(0); stroke(255); strokeWeight(0); fill(255); push(); translate(translateX, translateY); scale(scaleFactor); // image(fingers,0,0, gwidth, gheight); // draw the video frame to canvas pop(); if(busy) runSequence();; } function CommandLine(){ this.userInput = ""; this.presentedLines = Array(60).fill(""); this.getUserInput = function(code,c){ if(!busy){ if (code != 8 && code != 10 && code != 16 && code != 17 && code != 18 && code != 20) { this.userInput = this.userInput + c.toLowerCase(); } if (code == 8 && this.userInput.length > 0) { //backspace this.userInput = this.userInput.substr(0, this.userInput.length-1); } else if (code == 13) { //enter this.compareUserInput(this.userInput); this.userInput = ""; } } } this.pushLineStrings = function(bottomLines){ for(var i = 0; i < bottomLines.length; i ++){ this.presentedLines.splice(0, 0, bottomLines[i]); } } this.pushLineString = function(bottomLine) { for (var i = this.presentedLines.length-1; i > 0; i--) { this.presentedLines[i] = this.presentedLines[i-1]; } this.presentedLines[0] = bottomLine; } this.changeLineString = function(bottomLine) { this.presentedLines[0] = bottomLine; } this.getInputLine = function(){ if(!busy){ this.inputString = frameCount % 2 == 0 ? "guest@iris ~ $ " + this.userInput + "_" : "guest@iris ~ $ " + this.userInput; this.presentedLines[0] = this.inputString; } } = function(){ console.log(this.presentedLines[0]); this.getInputLine(); for (var i = 0; i < this.presentedLines.length; i++) { text(this.presentedLines[i], 13, window.innerHeight-150-(i*13)); } } this.compareUserInput = function(userin){ userin=userin.trim() if(this.presentedLines[0].charAt(this.presentedLines[0].length-1) == '_'){ this.presentedLines[0] = this.presentedLines[0].substring (0, this.presentedLines[0].length-1); } if (userin === "gerkzeuk"){ this.pushLineString(""); PopupCenter('gerkzeuk/', 'gerkzeuk', 1024, screen.height); } else if (userin === "info"){ printInfo(); } else if (userin === "laserharp" || userin === "laserharfe"){ this.pushLineString(""); PopupCenter('laser/', 'laserharfe', screen.width, screen.height); } else if (userin === "dance"){ this.pushLineString(""); pfc = frameCount; busy = true; seqDance_b = true; } else if (userin === "fire"){ this.pushLineString(""); pfc = frameCount; busy = true; seqFire_b = true; } else if (userin === "t"){ window.location.href = "t/index.html" } else if (userin === "electronic art"){ this.pushLineString(""); PopupCenter("", "Walter Giers - Electronic Art", screen.width, screen.height); } else if (userin === "genome"){ pfc = frameCount; busy = true; seqGenome_b = true; } else if (userin === "blog"){ this.pushLineString(""); PopupCenter('', 'Neugier & Ästhetik', screen.width, screen.height); } else if (userin === "constructivism2"){ pfc = frameCount; busy = true; seqConstructivism_b = true; } else if (userin === "go outside" || userin === "outside" || userin === "go" || userin === "street"){ this.pushLineString(""); pfc = frameCount; busy = true; seqOutside_b = true; } else if (userin === "maria"){ this.pushLineString(""); pfc = frameCount; busy = true; seqMaria_b = true; } else if (userin === "skip"){ this.pushLineString(""); pfc = frameCount; busy = true; seqSkip_b = true; } else if (userin === ""){ this.pushLineString(this.inputString); } else { this.pushLineString("Unavailale or forbidden command."); this.pushLineString("Available commands are: [info] [maria] [gerkzeuk] [laserharp] [electronic art] [street] [dance] [t] [genome] [fire] [blog] [constructivism2] and [skip]"); this.pushLineString(""); } } } function PopupCenter(url, title, w, h) { // Fixes dual-screen position Most browsers Firefox var dualScreenLeft = window.screenLeft != undefined ? window.screenLeft : screen.left; var dualScreenTop = window.screenTop != undefined ? window.screenTop :; var width = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : screen.width; var height = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : screen.height; var left = ((width / 2) - (w / 2)) + dualScreenLeft; var top = ((height / 2) - (h / 2)) + dualScreenTop; var newWindow =,title,'scrollbars=yes,width=' + w + ',height=' + h + ',top=' + top + ', left=' + left + ',resizable,scrollbars,toolbar,menubar'); // Puts focus on the newWindow if (window.focus) { newWindow.focus(); } } function runSequence(){ if(busy){ if (seqIntro_b){ seqIntro(); } else if(seqDance_b){ seqDance(); } else if(seqFire_b){ seqFire(); } else if(seqOutside_b){ seqOutside(); } else if(seqMaria_b){ seqMaria(); } else if(seqSkip_b){ seqSkip(); } else if(seqGenome_b){ seqGenome(); } else if(seqConstructivism_b){ seqConstructivism(); } } } var gwidth = window.innerWidth; var gheight = window.innerHeight; var zoomedState = false; var scaleFactor = 1.0; var translateX = 0.0; var translateY = 0.0; function reset() { scaleFactor = 1; translateX = 0.0; translateY = 0.0; } function collisionDetection() { while (translateX > 0.0) translateX--; while (translateY*scaleFactor > 0.0) translateY--; while (translateX+gwidth*scaleFactor < gwidth) translateX++; while (translateY+gheight*scaleFactor < gheight) translateY++; } function zoom(delta) { translateX -= mouseX; translateY -= mouseY; scaleFactor *= delta; translateX *= delta; translateY *= delta; translateX += mouseX; translateY += mouseY; collisionDetection(); } function keyPressed(){ commandLine.getUserInput(keyCode, key); return false; } function mousePressed() { if (mouseButton == CENTER) { if (!zoomedState && scaleFactor == 1.0) { zoom(3); } else { reset(); } zoomedState = !zoomedState; } } function mouseDragged() { if (zoomedState) { translateX += (mouseX - pmouseX)/3; //this /3 shit is shit, drag n drop moves too fast, why translateY += (mouseY - pmouseY)/3; collisionDetection(); } } function mouseWheel(event) { if(event.deltaY > 0){ zoom(1.0/1.05); } else if(event.deltaY < 0){ zoom(1.05); } else { zoom(1.0); } zoomedState = true; if (scaleFactor <= 1.0 && event.deltaY > 0){ reset(); } } //on backspace down + optional callback function onBackspace(e, callback){ var key; if(typeof e.keyIdentifier !== "undefined"){ key = e.keyIdentifier; }else if(typeof e.keyCode !== "undefined"){ key = e.keyCode; } if (key === 'U+0008' || key === 'Backspace' || key === 8) { if(typeof callback === "function"){ callback(); } return true; } return false; } //event listener window.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { switch({ case "input": case "textarea": break; case "body": onBackspace(e,function(){ e.preventDefault(); }); break; } }, true);