This script checks if changes happened to a given list of files, and if so, it'll store them into a next version as back up. ## Setup Install git. Create a folder that should act as your automatic archive. Open that folder with your terminal and execute ```git init``` Create a file in the folder called ".gitignore" and put the following in it: ``` backup_filelist.txt log.txt ``` Create the files "" and "backup_filelist.txt" in this folder. Copy the code from "" in this repository into yours. Put the complete filepaths to the files you want to automatically be versioned into "backup_filelist.txt". Now use ```git add *``` and ```git commit -m "initial commit"``` You're done setting up your automatic archive. --- ## Automation Make it so that "sh" gets called automatically. I recommend setting up a cron job, for example by executing ```EDITOR=nano crontab -e``` and writing the following into crontab: ``` 0,15,30,45 * * * * cd ~/Automatic\ Git\ Versioned\ Backups && sh ``` This will run the script every 15 minutes. --- ## Restoration Use ``` git log -- filename.ext ``` to view all the past versions. Copy the commit-id of the version you wish to restore. To recreate a past version, use ``` git show commit-id:filename.ext > path/to/restoration/filename.restored.ext ``` For example: ```git show 8f1dc7362dd5f6781ccf9ccc5a9cfdccb57ed709:ToDo.xlsx >> ToDo.restored.xlsx```